Important question about hemel fire

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mash, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. Mash

    Mash Guest

    Does a shell optimax depot fire give 3% more heat than a regular 95 RON
    fire? People say they can feel the difference, but I'd like to see some
    hard facts. Also, does it depend on the type of depot? Modern depots
    might benefit more from an optimax blaze than older ones.
    Mash, Dec 11, 2005
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  2. Mash

    Fr Jack Guest



    Fr Jack
    B12S (The Red Mist), CB450DX (The Moped)
    Red death, to set you free
    Fr Jack, Dec 11, 2005
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  3. Mash

    Eiron Guest

    I thought it looked like diesel from all the black smoke.

    Anybody else see a pattern to these fires? First the city burned down in
    Then in July there was a big one at Staples Corner by the M1.
    Now this one by junction 8. They form a straight line to the National
    Motorcycle Museum.
    And I was at each location just before it happened (except the first).
    Eiron, Dec 11, 2005
  4. Mash

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Aviation fuel actually. One local was saying that it's mainly the
    aviation tanks that have been effected, so that's almost like burning
    Andy Hewitt, Dec 11, 2005
  5. Eiron was thinking very hard :
    So where were you immediately prior to the 1666 one?
    Harry Bloomfield, Dec 11, 2005
  6. Mash

    Eiron Guest

    I was on a tour of Britain with my pet rat.
    Eiron, Dec 11, 2005
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