unfortunately the bike didn't fare so well. The left hand pot did protect my leg from the 3-series which t-boned me tonight though. Shame it then tried to save itself by using my leg as a cushion. My shin is slowly passing the pain baton to my foot in the great relay race of bruising taking place down my leg. Plenty of witnesses, plod were there just after I gave up arguing with the lady who insisted I had to sit down and wasn't allowed to take my helmet off. "I was sat down when he hit me, I'm not giving him another go" went right over her head. Ambulance within five minutes, I even got a go on the "I speak your blood alcohol" machine. I can now recommend Rukkas and Oxtar boots for low-speed side impacts, helmet needs replacing unless I can make a good job of making the gouges look like a flame paint job with my crayons.