I'm voting for Ahmed

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sir.Tony, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. Sir.Tony

    sweller Guest

    Strictly speaking yes, but in principle I'm with Verdigris.

    They're, IMO, political charlatans, simpletons at best.
    sweller, Jun 13, 2004
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  2. Oh yes, absolutely.

    But if they're doing what they're doing within the framework of the
    democratic process, legally, it's hardy abusing it.

    Taking the piss - maybe.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 13, 2004
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  3. Sir.Tony

    platypus Guest

    I'm curious about what the UKIP candidates intend to do if they /do/ get
    elected to the European Parliament - sulk?
    platypus, Jun 13, 2004
  4. Sir.Tony

    sweller Guest

    What they are doing is permissible in law but an anathema to the
    'democratic' process. To distort the principle of executive
    politics/rule ultimately undermines the single issue parties. Giving a
    stronger hand to the parties.

    This in itself I don't, personally, have a problem with.

    So, so many people struggle with the, quite simple, principles of
    democracy. I also include many political leaders.

    Democracy is, quite simply, the subjugation of the individual.
    sweller, Jun 13, 2004
  5. sweller wrote
    What is his name and when do I get to have my turn? Do we have to fill
    in a form first or can we just turn up and give him a damn good
    subjugating? Are we allowed to do it weekends or is it one of these 9
    to 5 and closed on market day affairs.

    It is important I know these things, you never know when I might fancy a
    quick subjugate on me way home.
    steve auvache, Jun 13, 2004
  6. platypus wrote
    I saw Killjoy Slick on Question Time a week or so back and I got the
    impression from him that they intended to call a referendum and only
    afterwards apply to be let out early. So they could blame us afterwards
    steve auvache, Jun 13, 2004
  7. Sir.Tony

    Sir.Tony Guest

    He is very sexist male showiness. He is a total banker.

    U all ride safely, now ;-)
    Sir.Tony, Jun 14, 2004
  8. Sir.Tony

    Sir.Tony Guest

    I will vote for any political party the put an end to courier firms that
    exploit like Connection Delivery Service(Connection Couriers).

    U all ride safely, now ;-)
    Sir.Tony, Jun 14, 2004
  9. Hm. well, I ain't arguing the point any further.

    Partly because I'm sure that in a political argument you'd tie me in
    knots and then hang me out to dry. You little bolshevik, you ;-)
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 14, 2004
  10. Coward.
    Paul Corfield, Jun 14, 2004
  11. Absolutely. I know sweller well enough to know that he'd make mincemeat
    me in any political argument.

    "I know my place."

    And what are you doing, trying to stir things up anyway, eh?
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 14, 2004
  12. but for someone who has no fear of insulting everyone and anyone as well
    as taking on half of Nigeria I found it odd. I can't imagine sweller is
    really that terrifying when it comes to arguing politics with a tory.

    I've not met him but I sense he'd be a nightmare to *negotiate* with -
    most TU reps worth their salt are.
    Paul Corfield, Jun 14, 2004
  13. Terrifying, no.

    But (and you may blush at this point, sweller) I think he really, really
    knows his shit, and in the same way that I wouldn't argue road traffic
    law with JP, I wouldn't argue politics with sweller.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 14, 2004
  14. Sir.Tony

    sweller Guest

    TBH my theory is a little rusty. The movement seems to not bother with
    the thinking about the consequences of its actions. Which is a major
    bummer. But it does mean I can cruise along and not have to worry my
    pretty little head too much with political theory.

    I'd like to think I'm good as a negotiator (I'm not so good when it comes
    to vehicles though) and certainly as an advocate.

    As I and my two other colleagues tend to get the hopeless cases and the
    /really/ fundamental contractual changes we don't do too badly.

    If anyone wants advice as how to 'be' a TU representative, its simple:
    Preparation, know what you're talking about, believe it and don't speak
    unless absolutely necessary. Oh, and don't forget your every action has
    an effect. Whether that effect is acceptable is down to you.
    sweller, Jun 14, 2004
  15. Sir.Tony

    ogden Guest

    That reminds me...

    Take a theoretical situation where an employee has been working for a
    company in a role for just under two years. The employer is sold off
    and the employee is given a new contract to sign. Does this reset the
    timer in any way where length of service is concerned?
    If the employee were to apply for another position internally before
    the sale, would that put him back to square one again? Particularly
    if the new position was taken up just before the sale? Would a new
    contract have to be signed _twice_ ?

    If the new contract was a sack of shit, what kind of recourse would
    the employee have?

    All theoretical, you understand...
    ogden, Jun 16, 2004
  16. Sir.Tony

    darsy Guest

    I see the Beeb have passed over the "shit employee list" to the
    prospective new employers, so you'll probably not have to worry about
    the contract.
    darsy, Jun 16, 2004
  17. Sir.Tony

    ogden Guest

    Heh. AIUI I'm not in one of the areas marked for immediate canning once
    the sale's been completed. Obv. there's a fucking huuuuuuge question
    mark over the situation in 6 months time, but it'll depend on which of
    the two bidders gets the contract.
    ogden, Jun 16, 2004
  18. Sir.Tony

    darsy Guest

    do you have a preference?

    Personally, I think Accenture would look better on a CV.
    darsy, Jun 16, 2004
  19. Sir.Tony

    ogden Guest

    I'd tend to agree, but I also suspect Accenture would mean I'd be
    needing my CV that much sooner. Though if Accenture won, I might end
    up working inside BT instead, which wouldn't be so bad.

    In short, **** knows. The company's being sold, someone's going to buy
    it, there's nothing I can do to influence who it is, and I can't be
    arsed to start job hunting. So I'm just sitting back and waiting to see
    what happens.
    ogden, Jun 16, 2004
  20. Sir.Tony

    darsy Guest

    probably the best attitude.
    darsy, Jun 16, 2004
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