Bollox, me and sam went in a roundabout way towards the BSOM on the honda pantheon scoot today, first headed towards mansfield to have a quick look for that petrol station that sells parafin, then we were gonna go a right cross country way to the bsom. managed to find the parafin petrol station, but about 5 mins before we got there, the fucking clutch on the scoot started pissing about. i assume it's the clutch, it had a new belt and rollers just before we got it, and they doo look new, the clutch has a date stamp of the date the scoot was built, there looks to be a fair bit of meat on the shoes, but they were shiney as feck, sanded the shine off them, tried again with just me on it, got 1 mile and clutch slip again, so i'm guessing maybe the springs are shot, or what looks like loads of lining to me is actually naff all. arse, feel free to take the piss like you would have if we'd made it to the bsom,