Im shopping a drunk driver

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sir.tony, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. sir.tony

    sweller Guest

    ...and Lesley, she gets a bit. But she's from Liverpool, tends to rise to
    the bait and come over a holier than thou.

    Charders gets defended, but I'm not completely sure why, but I have an
    sweller, Nov 23, 2003
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  2. sir.tony

    sweller Guest

    No, you know I don't think he has.
    sweller, Nov 23, 2003
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  3. Des Coughlan wrote
    Not at all. In fact when it comes to opportunities and such like I'd
    say I had plenty to choose from and it has only been a couple of
    steve auvache, Nov 23, 2003
  4. sir.tony

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I find her tedious and feeble-minded.
    We've been over this.

    The smiley - though I despise them - would seem to indicate that it was
    a joke, admittedly, a fairly crap one.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 23, 2003
  5. sir.tony

    Ben Guest

    You might want to go and look at who Hushmail are.
    Ben, Nov 23, 2003
  6. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Damn, advanced spam filters. Bunch of hypocrites.
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  7. sir.tony

    Ben Guest

    Er, they provide a service, they're not responsible for the people who
    send out the spam.

    In fact, it's probably a forged address.
    Ben, Nov 23, 2003
  8. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Er, yes. I know.
    The bastards are using Hushmail to filter out spam for themselves, while
    they are sending loads of it out.
    Nah, it's from their website:
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  9. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Er, yes. I know.
    The bastards are using Hushmail to filter out spam for themselves, while
    they're sending loads of it out.
    Nah, it's from their website:
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  10. sir.tony

    Hog Guest

    I've read about this. Did they have an ABS version? or perhaps they all
    were. IIRC it was a record rate of retardation, does it still stand.
    Hog, Nov 23, 2003
  11. sir.tony

    Hog Guest

    Not everyone is going to believe this
    Hog, Nov 23, 2003
  12. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    There are versions with and without ABS. It was probably the ABS version
    they were testing here: about halfway down the
    page under heading "Stop Action--Yesterday's today's and tomorrow's brakes".
    The closest I've seen to this (for 60-0) is 107 feet from a Triumph Speed
    Mined ewe, if you saw the size of the disk and caliper, then you'd
    understand why :)
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  13. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    So I see.
    If you want any NDT (non-destructive testing) doing on various bike bits,
    then let me know.
    i.e. Radiography, Ultrasonics, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Dye Penetrant
    Inspection, Eddy Current Inspection.
    All the big car teams have this done :)
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  14. sir.tony

    Hog Guest

    Well BMW are rumoured to be working on a high power sportsbike with a
    Hossack or R1150 type front end. Wonder if they will do something

    What is the GTS engine again, can't remember. R1 or Thundercat.
    Is it possible to get spares for them at all?
    Hog, Nov 23, 2003
  15. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    I've heard about that.
    It's an FZR1000 engine, detu^H^Hretuned because it doesn't have the EXUP
    valve, but does have FI and a cat. convertor.
    Any spares I've ordered (not much admittedly), have arrived after 2 days.
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  16. borm?
    shaun o'connor, Nov 23, 2003
  17. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    I parsed that as "mis-shaped" and was about to get abusive. Then I
    remembered where I was.
    deadmail, Nov 24, 2003
  18. sir.tony

    Zymurgy Guest

    I'm sorry guys, call me an old spoilsport, a miserable b*stard or i'm
    taking this completely out of context, but I can't see any humour in
    this. The only thing my stay in hospital did was reinforce my view
    that there's no reason for anyone to become a nurse.

    They have to clear up little 'accidents' like this, wipe peoples
    arses, take abuse and violence from patients, for a pittance of a wage
    and no thanks.

    Why do it ?

    Zymurgy, Nov 24, 2003
  19. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    Because the auxulliary brain dead ones can act as dictators when no one
    in authority is around?

    Fucked if I know why they do it. Fucked if I care either; they do it
    because they get paid to do it.

    And the "no thanks" bit is a load of bollocks. They get plenty of
    thanks. No one's ever thanked me for designing a handover algorithm, a
    numbering structure or a test process.

    I'm not saying their job is a bed of roses, it isn't and I wouldn't do

    Doesn't stop me finding the stories listed funny though.
    deadmail, Nov 24, 2003
  20. sir.tony

    Pip Guest

    To be honest, Des, I don't think I have ever read any serious
    criticism of the Bandit 12 on uk.r.m. Yes, it is generally
    acknowledged that they could do with some assistance in the
    going-round-corners-at-speed department, as the stock suspension is a
    bit soggy at best. The biggest point of criticism has always been the
    tank range which is a bit sad at 100 miles (160km, to save you
    decimalising it) - but that is no worse than several other bikes, such
    as the Firestorm or Hornet 900.

    Bear was (is) a big fan of the B12, due to its "stomp" and short
    wheelbase, which make wheelies compulsory. I certainly loved mine to
    bits, just for its grin factor and the way it made me feel to ride it.
    I have never seen Bear criticise the B12 - and if I had, be assured
    that I would have taken him to task on it.

    The Bandit 600, OTOH ...
    Pip, Nov 24, 2003
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