[QUOTE="mb"] Apparently you have no sense of humour. You are a miserable git. And it's not "remove *my* panties..." you crass piece of shit.[/QUOTE] Oh, I have a sense of humour. It's just that you're not very funny. To be more exact you're not funny in the way you believe you are. I'm finding you mildly amusing at the moment. You refer to "panties" in your spam trap and call me a "crass piece of shit"? God you're stupid. [QUOTE] "Maybe it's because I'm not desperate enough to want to belong to something" Prolly why you use the word "fuckwit" ...innit?[/QUOTE] Please explain. I use the word "fuckwit" to describe people jumping on any particular bandwagon because I see them as lacking the basic where-withall to form and hold their own opinions. You probably thought "crocodile" was the height of wit. And, depending on your age went around saying "great, super", "milkey-milkey" or some such similar catch-phrase; genuinely believing that repeating someone else's humour parrot-fashion was all that was required to have a "sense of humour". Oh, referring once more to sense of humour... for someone who accuses others of not having one yours seems particularly lacking at the moment. What's the matter?