Im shopping a drunk driver

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sir.tony, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. sir.tony

    ogden Guest

    Give it 5 years and it'll be popular out in the sticks.
    ogden, Nov 22, 2003
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  2. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    It's not as maybe, it is.

    What are we going to do? Well I'm going to concentrate very hard on
    wishing him ill.
    deadmail, Nov 22, 2003
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  3. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    And even if it wasn't wank, with all due respect I wouldn't be sad
    enough to try to ingratiate myself with a bunch of fuckwits by copying
    their latest meme.
    deadmail, Nov 22, 2003

  4. S*I*R.T*O*N*Y,

    Did you report Mr. T664?

    Wobbly is an adjective, not an adverb. I appreciate that you are
    only learning English but if no-one points out your mistakes you
    will never learn. You should also write "I shall...."

    Perhaps you could clarify your statement.
    Do you intend to "get" only drunken drivers who are also
    motherfuckers? That would be a rather specialised subject
    for a vigilante.

    Oedipus Wrecks Lives!

    That statement is rather annoying.
    Old Fart at Play, Nov 22, 2003
  5. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Party-pooper :p
    Do you always take things so seriously?
    mb, Nov 22, 2003
  6. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    Only when it involves fuckwits.
    deadmail, Nov 22, 2003
  7. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Good grief, somebody's grumpy...
    mb, Nov 22, 2003
  8. sir.tony

    dwb Guest

    What if you were the focus of the meme?
    dwb, Nov 22, 2003
  9. sir.tony

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Nov 22, 2003
  10. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    I doubt it would change my attitude.
    deadmail, Nov 22, 2003
  11. sir.tony

    deadmail Guest

    Well, yes.

    But christ, I'm not as humourous as you. Obviously.

    I mean, just look at the spam trap you employ: "Remove my panties to
    email me" har-har-har. Height of fucking wit, innit.

    deadmail, Nov 22, 2003
  12. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Apparently you have no sense of humour. You are a miserable git.
    And it's not "remove *my* panties..." you crass piece of shit.

    "Maybe it's
    because I'm not desperate enough to want to belong to something"

    Prolly why you use the word "fuckwit" ...innit?
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  13. sir.tony

    Pip Guest

    Flounce achieved, I believe.
    Pip, Nov 23, 2003
  14. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    OK, that's a whoosh, WTF are you talking about?
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  15. sir.tony

    Ginge Guest

    Is it perhaps, help you not get them in a bunch?
    Ginge, Nov 23, 2003
  16. sir.tony

    Pip Guest

    It depends what whooshed you, really. If it was my use of the word
    "flounce" then google is your friend.

    If it was my congratulation of Mr. Burnt, then re-read the foregoing
    (and now cleanly snipped) part of the thread leading to mb's explosion

    One has to take one's amusement where one can, these days.
    Pip, Nov 23, 2003
  17. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Ah well, it was meant to rhyme... so maybe you were the whooshee?
    So, let me get this straight; "Mr. Burnt" can call me a fuckwit (several
    times) and a ****, but when I reply in kind, then I am said to have
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  18. sir.tony

    mb Guest

    Bartender, pint of what Ginge is drinking.
    mb, Nov 23, 2003
  19. sir.tony

    Ginge Guest


    A fine choice, sir.
    Ginge, Nov 23, 2003
  20. sir.tony

    Platypus Guest

    You should try some of this rum that I acquired in Calais. V nice.

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Nov 23, 2003
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