Decided I would throw my hat in the ring for this race.. I want to be YOUR monitor for this group..My platform is simple.. If I don't like your posts I'll delete them.. If you comment unfavorably to another's post.. I'll exile your ass forever.. If you don't post at least twice a week .. You are history.. If you criticize ANYONE.. especially some corrupt ol' politician.. You are toast.. If you get into a confrontation with another poster, I WILL recruit a band of IDIOTS to gang up and toast your silly ass.. And .. if you persist and continue to post your nonsense, I WILL call your ISP and get you kicked off your server.. Now these are some of the ground rules goin' in.. I can make up others as I go along, IF IT SUITS ME.. Hey .. I need your votes.. Didn't realize there was an opening till lately, and I hope I am in time to get in the campaign.. I will faithfully serve and conduct my responsiblities with dispatch... Can I count on you ? Your friend in Irving Bill Walker