Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bikerbetty, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Right !!!

    That does it !!!

    You're some kind of troll.

    Dunno what kind, but you're some kind of troll....

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Aug 9, 2008
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  2. bikerbetty

    Nev.. Guest

    Matt, is that you?

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Aug 9, 2008
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  3. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    Am not either..... :p

    so there. Get off my bridge.

    poo bum wee <chortle chortle>

    <betty pokes about in the kitchen cupboard
    looking for potato chips to tempt Gerry's
    tiny wine-addled mind remnants out of the bushes>. You coming to the
    Unaugural in September, Gerry? Oh, go on....
    you know you want to....it'll be a hoot...)

    bikerbetty, Aug 9, 2008
  4. bikerbetty

    Nev.. Guest

    They don't want you to stop riding motorcycles.

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Aug 9, 2008
  5. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    That really .. err.. DOESN'T suck!
    Knobdoodle, Aug 9, 2008
  6. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    [Chortle] I'll never think of the term "school marm" the same again!!
    Knobdoodle, Aug 9, 2008
  7. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The point?!!?
    Knobdoodle, Aug 9, 2008
  8. bikerbetty

    will_s Guest

    Now I guess is not the time to mention its to bloody cold to go to the
    nations Capitol but anyway I will beat you to it...."I am a 'chickenshit"
    If its cold or wet its the car :)

    If the owner only knew :)
    will_s, Aug 10, 2008
  9. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Brain remnants... I never had a mind...
    I've offended so many Real Aussie Rednecks in here over the years, I
    reckon I'd get decked if I turned up - or get treated like the
    outsider that I am. In keeping with my persona, I think I should stay
    home... I think I was born without the bonding gene...

    Nice of you to ask though...

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Aug 10, 2008
  10. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    <betty looks alarmed>
    Rednecks? There are rednecks in here?

    Eeeek! Who were those charming gentlefolk I met before, then? And what had
    they done with the REAL aus.motians???
    Ooh, you grumpy ol' man, you! ;-)

    bikerbetty, Aug 10, 2008
  11. bikerbetty

    Diogenes Guest

    Don't worry, it's just paranoia filling in for the missing brain
    There's this problem, see?
    [1] They say we create our own experience.
    [2] They say we learn from our experience.
    [3] {1] + [2] = the perfect feedback loop.

    And then there's the missing brain remnants...

    And before that it was, as a 10yo, being shunned as a wog and a reffo
    when I arrived in Oz.

    And before that it was, as a 6yo, being shunned as a "foreigner" when
    our family were reffos in Austria (that's the place just north of
    Italy, not the one just north of Tasmania.)

    Oh yes, we create our own experieinces, all right... And pop
    psychologists ought to be strung up...

    Too much information?

    Ignore me, I'm obviously just wallowing in self pity...

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Aug 10, 2008
  12. bikerbetty

    bikerbetty Guest

    And yet people like Peter Skryznecki, having similar experiences, find
    catharsis (and enduring HSC-text list inclusion) in poetry. Better out than
    in, I'd say (although I'm not sure it worked for Sylvia Plath - at least,
    not long-term). Vent all you like, Gerry, it's good for you! Better still,
    put it into free verse - paint pictures with it, make art, it's the ultimate
    in recycling - turning the weeds and creepers of memory into rich compost...
    or dross into gold - yes, Virginia, there IS alchemy...

    betty pottymouth the alchemist <snigger>
    bikerbetty, Aug 10, 2008
  13. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The 12 minutes of my life I'll never get back!
    Knobdoodle, Aug 10, 2008
  14. Being married to a better poet might account for that.
    < Dons heat-proof suit >
    Andrew McKenna, Aug 10, 2008
  15. bikerbetty

    jl Guest

    Oh I dunno, I think Sylvia found herself a solution eventually.

    (not one I'd generally recommend, but everybody makes their own choices)
    jl, Aug 10, 2008
  16. bikerbetty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I figured the first three would be the lead-up and then the fourth would
    deliver the punchline.
    Knobdoodle, Aug 10, 2008
  17. bikerbetty

    G-S Guest


    I'm a bogan not a redneck Gerry ;-P

    G-S, Aug 10, 2008
  18. bikerbetty

    Matt Palmer Guest

    Nev.. is of the opinion:

    - Matt
    Matt Palmer, Aug 10, 2008
  19. bikerbetty

    theo Guest

    Easy girl. I think you're more charming than Charmayne.

    Please don't reference Clem's bum. We've all seen too much of _that_
    pix already.
    theo, Aug 11, 2008
  20. bikerbetty

    theo Guest

    Have you got her addy. I think I'd like to meet her.

    theo, Aug 11, 2008
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