I'm down to 75 now!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Makes me wonder if the Talkers were even born in your state, Mark.

    I used to be under the impression that Texans generally valued and
    understood what the term "respect" stood for, but they obviously have
    no clue at all.

    They're more like some time-shifted caricatures from a "Me" generation
    who thinks, if you fall on the floor and thump your fists long enough,
    people give it to you.

    The most pathetic part of their situation is how desperate they are to
    be accepted (I could see that right away, from Bill's opening
    introduction). This much is for certain, as no one else would waste
    so many days behind their computers trying to prove they are

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 16, 2005
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  2. Brian Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. well alright..the translation for all this is obvious..
    Much like Mark Johnson was running a scam to bolster his status and
    impersonating a Mason, it took just two days for the "real deal" to expose
    all that as a fraud.. Bill Walker single handedly rolled onto their own
    newsgroup, reeky, rocked their little world and exposed a whole slew of them
    to be as artificial as Mark Johnson, himself.. All this time they've been
    impressing each other has gone up in smoke..
    Bill Walker, Jan 16, 2005
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  3. BWAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA!!!!! Yet more "proof" based on the word of
    the Talkers!

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 16, 2005

  4. Indeed neither Walker could prove their own gender in a
    court of law if they walked in buck naked.
    Bailiff, tell me does that look like a woman or a man? I
    can't really tell and I might catch something IF I touch
    Your Honor...I can't tell either and you'll have to fire me
    before I'd touch either one. Hell I doubt if a DNA test
    would be conclusive.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 16, 2005
  5. No need for "proof" on this either. Everyone in Reeky will take the
    word of the Talkers on this one too!


    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 16, 2005
  6. Sheeeeeeeeee - it! I wouldn't even be surprised if one physically
    gave birth to the other!

    I've had bowel movements as big as Brian though. Maybe someone mailed
    it to Bill and the stoopid **** adopted it!

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 16, 2005
  7. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Want me to post the address of yours? Which addess did you want?
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  8. Brian Walker

    Stephen! Guest

    "whorehouse", eh? That explains a lot...
    Stephen!, Jan 21, 2005
  9. Brian Walker

    Stephen! Guest

    (Road Glidin' Don) wrote in @news.individual.net:

    I'm tellin' y'all... They are not only father/son but brothers as well...
    Stephen!, Jan 21, 2005
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