I'm changing my posting name...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Wik, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. Wik

    Wik Guest

    .... to "Plodmagnet" or "Lucky", you decide.

    Got stopped today on the M3 a smidge after J2 heading south. Passed the
    plodmobile just after J1; me and a handful of cars spied him in a tacky
    paint-jobbed Volvo T5 stopped on the hard shoulder.

    All of us moderated our speed a tad and I knocked it up into sixth from

    Cruising onward, the speed crept up a tad (nothing silly) and I was just
    backing off to give room to a car that had pulled out to overtake another
    when I did a mirror check and there was our friend looming large,
    everything flashing.


    "Morning, officer." I offered, cheerily.

    "You were going a bit, weren't you?" he says.

    "Er, well, just keeping up with the flow, really." says I, genuinely. I
    mean, if I'd been on one then I'd have been in Hampshire by the time
    they'd caught up.

    "We had to really go some to catch you up, you know."

    "Umm, er, sorry.".

    "Where are you going, then?" he asks.

    "Work." I say, "In Reading."

    A raised eyebrow.

    "Scenic route." say I, smiling. I just wasn't in the mood for the
    twistier, more entertaining journey I usually take when going to our
    Reading office, this moning.

    "Yeah, the M4's a pain in the bum at the momentm what with all the road
    works and that." I add.

    He nods a nod of acknowledgment and understanding.

    Anyhoo, after a brief explanation of the stop, the nice Surrey TrafPol
    officer (no, not /him/) fined me £30 for a non-conforming number-plate.

    On the upside, whilst his bearded colleague did comment on it, they didn't
    do me for the Muzzy pipe.

    Nor did they do me for the iridium visor.

    Or the expired tax disc.

    Not even a producer or a VDRF (or whatever it's called).

    So, I'm going to get me a (fairly) legal plate, this weekend.

    What impressed (or shocked) me was that the bearded one, after mentioning
    that the pipe, whilst he couldn't see a "Not for road use" or a kite-mark
    on it[1][2], was when he asked when the insurance was due for renewal.

    I told him that it had just been renewed on Saturday to which he replied:
    "Ah, well that might explain why it's showing as expired on the system,


    Technology, eh? Anyhoo, 28 days to pay the thirty quid; not sure how
    quickly I should get the plate changed; presumably within the same 28

    [1] possibly due to a) there not being any such markings and b) 'cause the
    bike is currently /absolutely/ minging 'cause of the building work going
    on in our driveway having covered it with shit and me with a shortage of
    circular tuits preventing me from washing it. [2] "That, I suspect, is not
    what Mr.Kawasaki originally fitted to the machine, is it, sir?" [peers
    down end can] "Mmm, it appears to be, ahem, 'straight through'."
    Wik, Sep 4, 2003
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  2. Sounds like bullshit
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 4, 2003
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  3. Wik

    Simian Guest

    The Older Gentleman :
    ANPR won't be wired into the insurance database until next year, but I
    wouldn't have thought that would stop the police having access generally.
    Simian, Sep 4, 2003
  4. Wik

    Ginge Guest

    I reckon so... I worked on an insurance system last year and although
    it's all a bit hazy now every policy they generated automatically got
    logged into several databases along those lines some internal, certainly
    one national (which was some legal mandatory thing), and one of which
    ISTR being EU wide rather than simply national, but I may be imagining
    that part... if it doesn't exist yet, one day it will.
    Ginge, Sep 4, 2003
  5. Wik

    Pip Guest

    Before the same pair of Plod spot you again, I would respectfully
    suggest. Just to show willing, like.
    Pip, Sep 4, 2003
  6. Wik

    Jonathan Guest

    Yep - bullshit. Exactly the same happened to me a few months ago. Pulled
    over in London for a bus lane infraction and missing tax disk (in my wallet
    though). While the first plod is giving me the run-down, the second plod
    comes back from the car and mentions very casually that I the system shows
    I'm not insured. I go "What??" - because I've got about 6 months left to go
    on the policy. They don't seem at all interested in quizzing me about that


    Jonathan, Sep 5, 2003
  7. Wik

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb fascinated us all by saying...
    My ZZR's fully legal too.

    '95 Kawasaki ZZR1100D, '97 Kawasaki GPZ500S, '83 Honda CB250RS
    Big Zed Little Zed Dead shed
    New to ukrm? : www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html
    "He's not big and he's not called Tony"
    Lozzo, Sep 5, 2003
  8. Wik

    darsy Guest

    Oh, FFS, the police *can't* "do" you for an expired tax disc - all
    they can do is report it to the DVLA.
    well, duh.
    darsy, Sep 5, 2003
  9. Wik

    Badger Guest

    You sure? I thought that the pink & purple combo was a serious
    offence ;-)
    Badger, Sep 5, 2003
  10. Wik

    dwb Guest

    So what happens if it's expired, but a new one is under the seat but you
    can't put it on because the cheapo tax disc holder has rusted solid?
    dwb, Sep 5, 2003
  11. Wik

    Lozzo Guest

    Wizard fascinated us all by saying...
    On my old XS250 rat-bike the tax disc was tucked under the bottom yoke on
    the left side of the bike and hard to read whilst wearing a policeman's
    or traffic warden's hat. They had to take their helmet or hat off to get
    close enough to read it, which also meant *just* brushing their head
    against the front mudguard because of the angle of the holder. Said
    mudguard had a generous coating of the shittiest, stickiest grease on it
    that I could find, which always managed to find it's way into the tax-
    disc viewer's lovely clean hat via their hair.

    '95 Kawasaki ZZR1100D, '97 Kawasaki GPZ500S, '83 Honda CB250RS
    Big Zed Little Zed Dead shed
    New to ukrm? : www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html
    "He's not big and he's not called Tony"
    Lozzo, Sep 5, 2003
  12. Wik

    WSotW Guest

    They are? Any references?
    WSotW, Sep 5, 2003
  13. Wik

    Matt Stiles Guest

    Saw you ! Joined at J1, slowed down in a hurry when I saw him, 2 minutes
    later he zooms past me at 100+, lights off. Hmm I thought, wonder what
    they've seen...

    They did seem very determined to catch up with you.
    Matt Stiles, Sep 5, 2003
  14. Wik

    dwb Guest

    The thing about Wik.. is that I reckon he'd get pulled on anything.. he's
    just got an air about him :)
    dwb, Sep 5, 2003
  15. Wik

    JP Guest

    Nope - shows up when you do a PNC check on a vehicle. Includes dates
    of expiry, policy holder and named drivers
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
  16. Wik

    JP Guest

    The insurance database is now part of PNC so it shows on every PNC
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
  17. Wik

    JP Guest

    Nope - not bullshit
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
  18. Wik

    JP Guest

    VEL expired doesnt show until its 3 months out of date

    No its not - its Surrey. There isnt a flag for no- insurance as such.
    With Wik it would show the insurance details and the fact that it had
    just expired. They dont mention the date it expired to Wik but he gets
    the renewal date correct. (the data is usually about 10 days out of
    date as it takes a while for the details to be added). They wouldnt
    waste their time doing anymore
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
  19. Wik

    JP Guest

    Havent heard of any changes - especially since the last one was only
    in 2002 when it specified that it must be displayed on the nearside of
    the machine in front of the riders position (reg 6)
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
  20. Wik

    JP Guest

    Be careful along that stretch - its a classic place to do vascar speed
    JP, Sep 5, 2003
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