I'm also looking for a teacher for a learner rider

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Charmayne, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Charmayne

    Conehead Guest

    You look pretty ordinary. The years aren't being kind to you, dahling.
    Conehead, Sep 27, 2004
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  2. Charmayne

    BT Humble Guest


    BT Humble, Sep 27, 2004
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  3. Probably Australia Day. Wanna go?
    BBQ? Whats wrong with steak in a glass?
    Rude? Is that pommy for good?
    Isn't it you?
    He hasn't forgotten.

    He has been inserting Female IDCs lately and been somewhat busy.


    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Charmayne

    John Littler Guest

    Well it'll be Oz day, but not '05, there was some talk at an MCC meeting
    about doing another one again soon.

    Australian Financial Review 17 August 2004
    "So far Howard's luck has survived a great deal: his move to dismiss
    broken election pledges by distinguishing between "core" and "non-core"
    promises; his retrospectively time-limited "never ever" pledge on the
    goods and services tax; his vagueness about when he committed Australia
    to war against Iraq; his shifting standards for ministerial conduct; his
    demonising of asylum seekers as child killers; his tendency to blame
    "advice" rather than to openly accept responsibility when things go wrong."
    Will Howard's luck survive another election ? Do Australians not care
    that their PM is a liar ?
    John Littler, Sep 29, 2004
  5. They say it takes one to know one. [1]


    [1] Yep, biblical sense....
    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 29, 2004
  6. \
    It is bloody true. You can always call me....


    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 29, 2004
  7. You need to be told when to go for a ride?

    You Sydney slickers are odd.

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 30, 2004

  8. Where can I get a parner from?

    It is too difficult for me to be a recluse, people keep taking their clothes
    off for me. Then I get to make them "wince"!

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Sep 30, 2004
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