If you think I hate BMWs

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lozzo, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Lozzo

    Martin Watts Guest

    in message
    Funny how Harleys provoke so much passion. Personally I don't give a shit.
    I'd like to have a Harley one day and it would be my money that would pay
    for it. In other words, it's no one else's business.
    Martin Watts, Jan 5, 2005
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  2. Martin Watts wrote
    I am not sure I would want to own one but if ever I do the road trip
    across the US I would want to ride one.
    steve auvache, Jan 5, 2005
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  3. Lozzo

    Preston Kemp Guest

    There are three types of Harley owners imo:

    1) Those who bought one for the looks/sound/lifestyle - these people I
    respect for their honesty, & will happily leave them be.

    2) Those who bought one because they just wanted 'a bike' & chose a
    Harley to support their country's economy - these people I also respect
    as at least it's a noble cause, if somewhat misguided (they should've
    bought an ATK or Cannondale instead).

    3) Those who bought one because they think Harley make the best bikes -
    these people are too stupid to live, & should be made fun of at every
    Preston Kemp, Jan 5, 2005
  4. Lozzo

    Lozzo Guest

    Preston Kemp says...
    Unfortunately, these seem to be in the majority.
    Lozzo, Jan 5, 2005
  5. Lozzo

    PDannyD Guest


    I can understand the bit about the sound. Very distinctive - well, very
    nearly distinctive. Ok! It sounds like a 2-wheeled tractor. Happy now?

    The look? Hmmm. Very "Village People" though face-to-face I'd probably say
    "Yeah! Cool! Can you put me down now though not in the veterinary sense?"

    Performance? My 100E Prefect will start in gear though it's only got 30bhp
    at most. It's all torque. My 100E will pull (weakly) when modern engines
    have given up and gone home though it's got nothing beyond that. Are
    Harleys the same?

    There's something to be said for a bike which has more in common with a
    Field Marshall than a 2-wheeled scrotal firework and that something is

    If Harley Davidson were Ford then my 1954 100E Prefect would still be in
    production, albeit with more chrome. And leather. And tassells.

    [DISCLAIMER: I am pissed on an unpopular whisky/orange liqueur left-over
    from Christmas.]
    PDannyD, Jan 5, 2005
  6. Lozzo

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Jan 5, 2005
  7. Lozzo

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Ben Blaney was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Yes, but the engine on the V-Rod is not a compact four-cylinder
    high-performance engine designed by Chevrolet[1] so that doesn't

    [1] There's a contradiction somewhere in there...
    Timo Geusch, Jan 5, 2005

  8. "Lozzo - the man who photographs the Sun and then reads the negative"
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 5, 2005

  9. Got further than I did, then. Funny, yes, but only up to so far.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 5, 2005
  10. Lozzo

    Timo Geusch Guest

    The Older Gentleman was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Actually I didn't think it was, but then I may have misplaced my sense
    of humour when it came to his xenophobic rants...
    Timo Geusch, Jan 5, 2005
  11. Lozzo

    sweller Guest

    It wasn't really xenophoic [1]. Probably the opposite.

    Overly long. Same effect could have been achieved in a couple of

    A lament for the US that is the greatest country in the world but makes
    the shittiest motorcycles. Eric Buell is no better because he uses an
    antique powerplant. Investors should get their act together and build
    modern, competitive, machines. Harley riders are stupid homos.

    [1] As in a fear or contempt of foreigners. [2]
    [2] As opposed to a contempt of Foreigner. [3]
    [3] "I'll give you running up stairs!"
    sweller, Jan 5, 2005
  12. Lozzo

    Martin Watts Guest

    That's what I would be if I could afford one. I've a mate who's an officer
    in a Harley owners group and he happily admits to all the faults of the
    marque. He laughingly pointed out that because of these, the market for
    third party parts was such that you could build a Harley from scratch
    without a single Harley component. But to him there is nothing on earth like
    going on club trips to Europe on his bike. As you said, I admire his
    honesty and it is clear that, despite all the faults and overpricing, to him
    there is something exclusive to Harleys which floats his boat.
    Martin Watts, Jan 5, 2005
  13. What I find .. erm ... 'amusing' about Harley owners, is that in the
    interests of 'individuality', they all dress the same way. It's like the
    teenagers you see walking about, long hair, earring, black jeans and
    T-shirt with 'Motorhead' on the back. They even all walk the same bloody
    way. They think that they're different, but in fact they're every bit as
    much 'sheep' as the rest of us.

    I can never understand why people must 'emulate' others. Morrissey fans
    who had to get their hair cut like him ... Harley owners who need to wear
    'bowl' helmets and have fringes on their jackets ...

    <this space reserved for flash>

    genuine_froggie, Jan 5, 2005
  14. Lozzo

    Gyp Guest

    4) Those that are not in that great a hurry but can't bear the thought
    of buying an Enfield
    Gyp, Jan 5, 2005
  15. Lozzo

    Preston Kemp Guest

    I think we get that impression because there are a lot (but still a
    small minority) of Harley owners who think that *all* other bikes are
    crap - which is something you don't get with any other marque.

    I'm certain the image/lifestyle/name is far & away the most common
    reason for buying one, even if the owners won't admit it.
    Preston Kemp, Jan 5, 2005
  16. Lozzo

    Gyp Guest

    Except perhaps BMW owners.
    Gyp, Jan 5, 2005
  17. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    "As Americans, we live in the greatest country, the greatest country in
    the entire world. We, as Americans, are driven to be the first in
    everything. It's our nature. We're not slackers. We take second best to
    no one. It's a national point of pride. No one can beat our military,
    our pride, our technology, our determinedness, or our ingenuity. There
    is nothing in the world, no problem, no tragedy, no foe too great that
    America cannot triumph over them."
    Sure, this guy's opinion is worth reading...
    darsy, Jan 5, 2005
  18. Lozzo

    tallbloke Guest

    I as in a group of 10. 8 were sportsbikes.
    I found that too. Armchair comfort on the one I rode.
    It kept up with the rest surprisingly well. It could be ridden at a
    constant 90-100 mph pretty much evrywhere except really tight twisties. In
    the real world on tour, that's fast enough to stay in touch with the HONDA
    blackbirds et al.
    They looked a lot more knackered at the end of the day than I felt.
    tallbloke, Jan 5, 2005
  19. Lozzo

    Howard Guest

    no foe too great that
    redundant comma and no question mark.
    Howard, Jan 5, 2005
  20. Lozzo

    darsy Guest

    rather, I left off the <sarcasm> tags.
    darsy, Jan 5, 2005
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