If you had a dream bike made,what are the 2 modifications you'd mostwant on it ?

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Sean, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Sean

    G-S Guest

    I'd be more interested in finding out (but not from on the seat) what
    happens at 280kph when you switch from CBR1000 to CRF250X :)

    G-S, Jul 25, 2008
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  2. Sean

    oasysco Guest

    For me, my dream bike would likely be an older Harley (70's). So, I'd
    want two things:

    1. The bike to be restored to original with a paint job of my choice
    2. The bike to have updated mechanical parts like the clutch, possible
    chromed wheels if it makes sense.
    oasysco, Jul 25, 2008
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  3. Sean

    AndrewR Guest

    Don't be stupid, there's be an electronic override so that you had to
    be doing 6mph or less in order to change[1]. If they can put such a
    thing of the folding roof on my wife's car then they can surely add it
    to a tri-former motorbike.

    Let's concentrate on the real problems that have to be overcome - like
    what happens to your luggage if you fill the Wing's panniers and then

    [1] So it would be fine, for example, to go from CRF to Wing half-way
    through a feet-up U-turn.
    AndrewR, Jul 25, 2008
  4. Sean

    Turby Guest

    <scratches head>
    ....must be an island thing.
    Turby, Jul 25, 2008
  5. Sean

    Chumbawumba Guest

    Let's concentrate on the real problems that have to be overcome - like
    what happens to your luggage if you fill the Wing's panniers and then

    That's the main reason they don't build a transformer bike. People would sue
    when they lost their luggage.
    Chumbawumba, Jul 26, 2008
  6. Sean

    G-S Guest

    Well... if you were commuting to work and you had to work in an office
    then when the panniers shrunk it would be handy if it pressed your
    office shirt at the same time :)

    G-S, Jul 26, 2008
  7. Sean

    VTR250 Guest

    VTR250, Jul 27, 2008
  8. Sean

    S'mee Guest

    <spinster aunt>
    that's nice dear, how were the biscuts?
    </spinster aunt>

    That idea has been around in sci-fi since dirt was just a
    rumour...much debated about.

    It's still pretty damned cool!
    S'mee, Jul 28, 2008
  9. Sean

    Turby Guest

    There are several podcasts of interviews with Pendry about the
    PRI The World podcast #104, 6:12 into it

    Science magazine itself (who published the original paper which you
    can read if you subscribe.)
    Podcast of 9 June 2006 - the first 10 minutes or so.
    go to Collections-special features-Science podcast
    Turby, Jul 28, 2008
  10. Sean

    SteveB Guest

    You don't need it as none of the cage drivers can see or hear you

    SteveB, Jul 28, 2008
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