If you don't want ID cards to be introduced

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by raden, May 20, 2005.

  1. raden

    porl Guest

    Rather than get bogged down on the potential usefulness or not, and rather
    than imagine the terrors of a totalitarian state that may come into being
    when it's fucking unlikely it could ever happen in a consumer-led society
    run by big business who run the governent /anyway/, why don't people get
    this excited about the important stuff?

    This trivial bullshit is not the thin end of the wedge, the thick end has
    been firmly in place for years. It's all so petty it almost vexes me. Entire
    wars are waged expressly against the interests and concerns of millions of
    people and we simply don't give a shit.
    porl, May 20, 2005
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  2. raden

    porl Guest

    That's complete shite. Your money makes this country go round, as long as
    you're a happy little bunny paying taxes, buying loads and contributing
    that's as far as your part in the play goes. Capitalism is the way it
    happens and nothing is going to get in its way: America's - and now our-
    foreign policy dictates that. You envision a progression of draconian
    restrictions that curtail your liberties when the real crimes are being
    perpetuated elsewhere all the time. If you feel better imaging that you
    actually have any influence then fight the good fight but the people with
    the money make all the decisions whether you like it or not. And what
    prevents "us" from having a say is the smokescreens put in front of our

    I simply think ID cards is a bullshit concern. That's my point and you're,
    as ever, welcome to disagree.
    porl, May 21, 2005
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  3. raden

    JackH Guest

    JackH, May 21, 2005
  4. raden

    porl Guest

    Hehe, ok. Let's talk about speed cameras. Those hideous and cynical devices
    purely developed to deprive us of our licenses and cash. I myself have been
    on the rough end of this so I'm not chuffed about them. But, hang
    on...aren't we also nailing our bikes everywhere as fast as we can? That's
    what we're supposed to do right? If we don't we're slow and Ginge-like (no
    offence Rob). But at the same time we're meant to keep out eyes open for the
    devices that are there to slow us down, but better not place too much
    emphasise on that because we'll get left behind and be ridiculed.

    And yet, in this newsgroup's population alone, there are numerous binning
    accounts all the time. When we hit a pedestrian, it's the idiot pedestrian's
    fault. When we lob it on a bend we were giving it too much beans, as if
    there's something heroic about it. We slip between cars on motorways at 120
    mph and take umbrage at the idiot drivers that don't give us the expected
    room to manouvre. All the accidents in the yearly reports don't take into
    account that it's the drivers' observation that's at fault, even if there
    are no other vehicles on the road. Aah...wait a minute. It's the BABs that
    are causing all the accidents! Or that guy that Tog's just stuffed up the
    inside on a slip road to the M25. It's the Power Rangers, nothing to do with
    us at all.

    You would have to be some kind of idiot to draw some correlation between
    this newgroup's reticence to accept responsiblity for their own vehicular
    actions while deeming traffic-calming measures to be heavy handed and the
    public's unrest over home security and the heavy handed response from the

    Our idiocy empowers the government to act like it does. Each of us secretly
    thinks we're the ideal citizen, treading the fine line between culpability
    and insouciance; consideration and savoire faire. But someone adds to the
    statistics. Not us though, right?
    porl, May 21, 2005
  5. raden

    Verdigris Guest

    So much so that you forgot to snip, Paddington.
    Verdigris, May 21, 2005
  6. raden

    raden Guest

    So who form the majority of people who have been arrested under recent
    terrorist laws even after assurances that they would not be misused ?

    Anti arms and peace protesters
    raden, May 21, 2005
  7. raden

    porl Guest

    Source please.
    porl, May 21, 2005
  8. raden

    porl Guest

    Because they've made the enemy even more scary than Blair.
    porl, May 21, 2005
  9. raden

    porl Guest

    Yes Bear. The world really is as black and white as Sun readers and everyone
    porl, May 21, 2005
  10. raden

    gomez Guest

    That is probably the one saving grace. No way will the muppets be
    able to link anything up this side of Milliways.
    gomez, May 21, 2005
  11. That would be why the traffic cops are being replaced by revenue cameras
    eric the brave, May 21, 2005
  12. This makes no sense! How can you say "interests and concerns of millions"
    and then have we don't give a shit. Don't judge other people
    by your own morals.
    eric the brave, May 21, 2005
  13. raden

    Timo Geusch Guest

    gomez scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Heh. But given the stellar record of gubmit IT projects, it's only a
    matter of time[1] and money[2].

    [1] Twenty years late
    [2] Twenty times over budget
    Timo Geusch, May 21, 2005
  14. Indeed. When you get the police trawling through the legislation to find
    *ANYTHING* that they can bring before the CPS.
    eric the brave, May 21, 2005
  15. raden

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Ditto. I was thinking about this last night, and reckon platy's got
    the rights of it.

    I wonder if anyone who's housebound will be required to have one. Will
    the police need reasonable grounds before demanding to see your ID, or
    will they be able to stop anyone they fancy. If they suspect a
    terrorist or illegal immigrant has caught a particular train, will
    there be coppers on the platform examining everyone's ID? I'm starting
    to imagine scenes from The Great Escape.

    No thanks.

    So, as asked elsewhere, can anyone give an actual practical example of
    how an ID card might help carch someone.
    Colin Irvine, May 21, 2005
  16. raden

    Greybeard Guest

    That's prolly the next step.

    Then it'll be thought police.

    George was right you know, maybe a little late, but definitely right.
    Greybeard, May 21, 2005
  17. Fascinating. That is one of the best examples of really sensible
    "sideways thinking" that I've ever heard. Well done, BA.
    The Older Gentleman, May 21, 2005
  18. raden

    Catman Guest

    I don't think that's striuctly true, although it certainly does have some
    From a personal perspective I was disgusted by the war, and most of the
    behaviour since. However, as you've poointed out eloquently above, we don't
    really have any say in either issue, so what difference does it make which
    one we get uptight about?

    Millions of people *did* get uptight about the ware,a dn tried to prevent
    it. They failed. Perhaps they might succeed in this, even if it is a
    smaller thing.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS 75 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 21, 2005
  19. raden

    Catman Guest

    Colin Irvine wrote:

    If anyone comes up with one, can you let me know? I've asked everyone I
    know that's in favour, and still no dice.
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS 75 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 21, 2005
  20. raden

    Ginge Guest

    Nevermind that, what would happen if people stated killing each other
    using their ID cards as weapons...
    Ginge, May 21, 2005
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