If Stoner won the championship....

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by robotiser, May 4, 2007.

  1. robotiser

    Tex Guest

    If you get grandstand tickets to the GP, I suggest 'Siberia'
    Tex, May 17, 2007
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  2. robotiser

    T3 Guest

    Being caught means nothing to these guys,(yet) hell, one of the biggest
    fuk-ups of the bunch(Tenet) got the Medal of Freedom. Just wait, Wolfie
    will prolly demand $'s to leave! Gonzales was never more than a Texas
    political hack that suk'd up to Georgie boi, though I am a little surprised
    he was able to get away with the "I don't remember" bullshit, though I kinda
    think there's prolly gonna be a lot more he won't remember before it's all
    T3, May 18, 2007
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  3. robotiser

    Tex Guest

    Well, it's an area with a stand (you can just watch it from the fence too).
    There's pretty good viewing from all the areas, but the grandstands really
    do give you a brilliant view. Siberia and Bass Straight are the best,
    followed by Lukey heights.
    Nope... you need full leathers which I don't have. I'm considering buying
    some just so I can ride there. Everyone who rides there comes back a raving
    Tex, May 18, 2007
  4. robotiser

    DELETE Guest

    Keep away from MY fence!

    DELETE, May 18, 2007
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