Idiots of the year 2007 Monday jokes

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by George W. Frost, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. It was a bunch of LIES.

    They weren't 2007 vintage as purported.

    You might like being told lies. Or just keep your mouth shut while
    being fed bullshit.

    I don't. So I call the lie a lie when I see it.
    Bernd Felsche, Jan 14, 2008
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  2. George W. Frost

    Damien Guest

    Who crawled up your arse and died?
    Damien, Jan 14, 2008
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  3. You are such a wanker Bernd
    George W. Frost, Jan 14, 2008
  4. George W. Frost

    G-S Guest

    It's not that I didn't find it funny *the first time*...

    It's that repeating a joke many times not only makes it unfunny, it
    makes it actively annoying.

    And it isn't as if this is a rare joke or anything!

    G-S, Jan 14, 2008
  5. George W. Frost

    Damien Guest

    It was the first time I'd seen it. Just because it's a repeat for some
    people doesn't mean it is a repeat for everyone else. I'm sure I could
    post things myself that others had seen a million times but you'd never
    seen before yourself. If you've seen it before, is it really so hard to
    just ignore it and leave it to those who haven't? Unless the complaints
    are for the sake of complaining alone, I really don't see the value in
    otherwise wasting so much time getting so annoyed by it?
    Damien, Jan 15, 2008
  6. Your statement here typifies what is getting to be the norm for not only
    this , but many other groups as well

    The attitude being:
    ***If you don't like whatever is posted, then whinge and moan about it***

    I see something I haven't seen before, post it and sit back and watch the
    flood of abusive replies.

    It doesn't seem to matter to some that they can sit at a computer all day
    when they should be working and others can only get to a computer one or two
    times a day.

    No wonder this country is going downhill at a great rate
    George W. Frost, Jan 15, 2008
  7. wanker, stay in 1994

    Have you ever watched a movie, looked at a book, a photo album, your bank
    balance twice or more?
    same as reading a joke more than once
    get over it....................

    if you have seen it and don't like it, then piss off!!
    George W. Frost, Jan 15, 2008
  8. George W. Frost

    jackbadger56 Guest

    ferry nuff ;-)
    jackbadger56, Jan 15, 2008
  9. George W. Frost

    Michael C Guest

    The jokes posted where old and fake. These things are only really funny if
    they're true. People pointed out they are old and not true. What is keeping
    this conversation going is not these people but people like you who are
    arguing about it. While I must admit that people pointing out that jokes are
    old is, well, getting old (it's really just a way to big note themselves by
    saying they've heard it before), in this case it was only done to point out
    the fact that they were invented from previous events. The post did claim to
    be from 2007 so I think pointing out that they are old is ok in this case.

    Michael C, Jan 15, 2008
  10. George W. Frost

    Nev.. Guest

    What makes them "clearly false"? Just your personal opinion? Here is
    some space sot hat you can list your evidence that these stories never
    actually happened.

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Jan 15, 2008
  11. George W. Frost

    Damien Guest

    So what? If they're so old, and have been posted so many times, then are
    they really worth wasting even MORE time pointing that out? Surely there
    are more important things to be worrying about to that extent? Who gives
    a toss if the OP claimed they were from 2007? Big fucking deal.
    Damien, Jan 15, 2008
  12. George W. Frost

    Nev.. Guest

    So you have no evidence that some of these things never happened. Just
    evidence that things like them did happen.. which is not the same as
    evidence that these things did not happen. Clearly you cannot
    substantiate your allegation.

    '07 XB12X
    Nev.., Jan 15, 2008
  13. George W. Frost

    Damien Guest

    lol, so the old "I said nothing intelligent or relevant, but you
    side-stepped my question!" argument is all you have left?

    How pathetic. And amusing. :)
    Damien, Jan 15, 2008
  14. George W. Frost

    Michael C Guest Note that I didn't say they were all clearly false, some are
    made up from real events.

    Michael C, Jan 15, 2008
  15. George W. Frost

    Damien Guest

    Steady on Nev. He's going full-steam just to hit the right letters to
    form recognisable words in the first place, and you want him to make
    sense at the same time?
    Damien, Jan 15, 2008
  16. George W. Frost

    Michael C Guest

    You didn't answer my question but did quite a nice side step. I suggested it
    was actually you who was keeping this arguement alive by arguing. Your
    response was to ignore me and just argue some more. To me pointing out they
    were false is perfectly ok, we don't want BS posted here to go unchecked. If
    it's BS then I (and I presume others) would want to know, a least just for
    the sake of curiosity. If these stories were true I might repeat them,
    knowing they are false I won't.

    Michael C, Jan 15, 2008
  17. George W. Frost

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Err, what?

    Closing the gate
    Theo Bekkers, Jan 15, 2008
  18. George W. Frost

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    We don't care where George posts, as long as it's not here.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 15, 2008
  19. George W. Frost

    Michael C Guest

    What on earth are you talking about? I raised a very valid point and you
    sidestepped it, twice. Clearly it was a valid point by your responses?

    Michael C, Jan 15, 2008
  20. George W. Frost

    Michael C Guest

    Clearly I raised a VERY good point if you've reduce yourself to simply
    throwing insults and then you tell me that I raised nothing substantial.

    Michael C, Jan 15, 2008
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