I went to church on Sunday

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. Cane

    Ace Guest

    There are lots of sweets in the jar, so if the rule generates a 50%
    compliance you've achieved something. AIUI the tree of knowledge thang
    is a once-only opportunity, so even a 99% compliance gives a 0%
    success rate.
    Ace, Aug 29, 2003
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  2. Cane

    Ace Guest

    No such thing.

    It's obvious that you have little or no understanding of statistical
    methods, so there's really no point in continuing this discussion.
    Suffice it to say that anyone who has such an understanding will laugh
    at comments like "I have the law of averages on my side"
    Ace, Aug 29, 2003
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  3. Cane

    PeterT Guest

    "Phil Launchbury"
    Because you wouldn't throw the child out of the house if it did.
    PeterT, Aug 29, 2003
  4. The *what*?
    William Grainger, Aug 29, 2003
  5. And comparing it to the Greek & Hebrew originals says it's been
    obviously massaged as well.
    Sigh. You can doubtless prove it no? Or are you merely making
    assumptions without the knowledge?
    Hey you 'Scientists" feel that you are free to critisise religion and
    the Bible without knowing about it so surely us 'religious' types can
    use 'science' in our debates..

    Personally I don't see an inherent conflict between 'science' and
    'religion'. Proper examples of both require
    intellectual honesty and examination.


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  6. Cane

    Pip Guest

    You forgot the *sniff*

    Pip, Aug 29, 2003
  7. No. If a rule is broken then it's broken. It doesn't matter how
    many sweets there are in the jar - once the rule has been broken it's
    been broken..
    There are lots of fruits on the tree. Same situation.


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  8. There is in common English.

    I suppose (for the hard of understanding) I should have
    said 'majority verdict'..
    'It's obvious that you have little or no understanding of religion
    so there's really no point in continuing this discussion.'

    How come the rule works for you but not for me?
    Why? It's a common phrase in English.

    After all - you quite happily use Gods name without knowing
    anything about him...

    You could at least try to be a little bit consistent.


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  9. It's a common phrase indicating that 'I take the majority view'. It's
    not (and doesn't claim to be) a statistical theory.



    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  10. Cane

    Ace Guest

    Cobblers, and you know it.
    Cobblers, and you know it.
    Ace, Aug 29, 2003
  11. Why? A rule is either boken or not broken. It's can't
    be partially broken or partly unbroken (at least not a simple rule).
    What a well reasoned and rational answer. Are you
    sure you are a scientist?


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  12. But when you arguing with someone about statistical techniques
    (as your were with Ace), it's a slightly absurb thing to throw
    into the converstaion.
    William Grainger, Aug 29, 2003
  13. Cane

    Taz Guest

    Phil Launchbury wrote:
    Well, when the kid does break the rule - do you through them out of the
    house, stick a large bouncer on the door and never let them back in?

    email - taz(-AT-)ukrm(-DOT-)net
    UKRMRM#3, UKRMMA#12, two#31, YTC#12
    "about as much chance as a one-armed blind man in a dark room trying to
    shove a pound of melted butter into a wild cat's left ear with a red-hot
    P. G. Wodehouse
    Taz, Aug 29, 2003
  14. Was I? I though I was arguing that if the vast majority of
    translations translate something one way and one translates
    it another (and contradictory) way then that translation is
    probably not worth using..

    I admit I used the phrase 'bell curve' in describing it but thats
    hardly something unique to statisticians..


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Aug 29, 2003
  15. You were, using statistical terms, which implies you were using
    statistical techniques.
    William Grainger, Aug 29, 2003
  16. Cane

    Onejob Guest

    ****, I'm going to have to print this out.
    Onejob, Aug 29, 2003
  17. Cane

    Onejob Guest

    Oh, we want more. With John Cleese, Eric Idle and the rest.
    Onejob, Aug 29, 2003
  18. Cane

    PeterT Guest

    "Phil Launchbury"
    Give me an other field where it's used in the context you used it
    and which is not statistics.
    PeterT, Aug 29, 2003
  19. Cane

    Pip Guest

    What, you admire Andy's .sig that much?
    Pip, Aug 29, 2003
  20. Cane

    Ace Guest

    And what about religion? ;-)
    Ace, Aug 29, 2003
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