I think I've got MIIS

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    Whilst I take your point, Dan - and the wry, tongue-in-cheek,
    self-deprecating delivery ... you're not in the right place
    *at the back*.

    If you want to obs lines, join a /good/ IAM group, or do the RoSPA
    course ... or get yourself to nearly the front of the middle group on
    a big 'FOT. TB brutally frank, you'll learn fuckall at the back of
    the 'slow' group. They are slow because they don't GAF about riding
    quickly, taking the best (or any) lines, overtaking properly or in
    fact, riding much at all.

    At the risk of having my arse singed, your best way forward is (for
    example, and IME) a Bear observed ride. Or come to that, an obs'd
    ride by any experienced rider who can put the point across without
    making you feel like a piece of slow shit - and Bear can do that.

    But really - you'll learn sweet FA sitting at the back of a slow
    group, man. You need to watch riders that have at least clues 1 and 2
    about what they're doing - and they will not be sitting at the back of
    the stragglers (unless it's SimonK running in yet another cutting-edge
    sportsbike on brand-new tyres) ...
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
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  2. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    Sound words rarely followed - and just as well: where's the fucking
    vitriol going to come from otherwise, FFS?
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
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  3. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    Beige, innit.

    Beige, with magnolia highlights.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  4. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    Fucking bollocks. She'll hate every living fucking second doing the
    Grand Canyon and Las Vegas ... the stoodent ****.
    You go for it, man. The foundation course *will* be tough, but the
    first year of the degree wil be easy in comparison: plus you'll love
    the attitude of the lecturers to 'mature' stoodents.

    Get in there hard - work like ****, get some good grades, get yourself
    noticed as a hard worker - then when you need it, the lecturers will
    look after you. DO IT.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  5. Gyp

    Elly Guest

    Likewise, I had a 20 year break between leaving school and entering
    further education. The Access course I did really prepared me well for
    what would be expected at uni.
    The LEA here were very good (if a little slow). All I can recommend
    is getting the forms in at the earliest opportunity, as they will
    invariably have a backlog by the cut-off date around July (I think).
    Should be good ... We'll be visiting the Grand Canyon, Monument
    Valley, Mount Zion National Park and jumping on a bit of the San
    Andreas Fault. If it all goes off, I'm blaming Bear!
    If you can do a year in industry would imagine it will be a marvellous
    boost to your final year and subsequent employment potential.

    All the best.

    Elly - a tired Pixie
    ZX9R-E1 - 'The bike made me do it!'
    Spike - FZ400 - firing on 3 cylinders
    MRO#32 ibW#25 BoTAFOT#46 BoTAFOF #46 GP#1 UKRMRM#00 TWA#3
    "Angel in the kitchen ... "
    elly at garagepixies dot co dot uk
    Elly, Mar 16, 2005
  6. Gyp

    wessie Guest

    Pip emerged from their own little world to say
    Just as I'm about to finish, my lot are just sorting exchange deals with
    California Universities, the cunts.
    Only Bath wanted me to do a foundation course. I told them to **** off.
    My 1st year wasn't easy as I did not do the Foundation Course. I had to
    change my mindset from writing technical documents.

    The point about lecturers having a positive attitude to mature students
    is valid though. I found in the first semester that during group
    tutorials it was rare for someone other than the tutor or mature
    student(s) to speak.
    They certainly do. I have the Deputy Director of my School and various
    others supporting my application for Research Council funding for a 1+3
    PhD. My income will be peanuts for another 4 years but it beats working.
    wessie, Mar 16, 2005
  7. Gyp

    platypus Guest

    **** no. "Pearl Burnish Beige".
    platypus, Mar 16, 2005
  8. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    You *can* polish a (pale) turd.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  9. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    I'll see that and raise you "Getting too old to be arsed" ... but the
    little silly fucking things still slip under your skin, and you react
    before you can shut it down. I'm *so* much more laid-back with big
    shit these days (more and bigger than I could have imagined a few
    years ago) and yet it is the stupid little things that make me bite.

    **** knows, is the real answer.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  10. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    I dunno, actually. Do you?
    GAF. It's troo and Elly would say so too if the idle, lurgified bint
    hadn't turned in already.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  11. Gyp

    Pip Guest

    It certainly seems to have fucked any context, that's for sure.
    If you ever had a sigsep, that's fucked off too.
    Pip, Mar 16, 2005
  12. Riding through red lights on pavements pissed as a fart at night with
    no lights, insurance or licence is a shitty job, but someone's got to
    do it.

    All you boring c***s seem to ever do is try to take corners too fast
    and end up in a hedge/drystone wall/coffin. Where's the fun in that?

    still_the_same_me, Mar 16, 2005
  13. Gyp

    muddycat Guest

    We'll have not of that jumping on the fault, bit! I'm on the other end
    of it.


    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Mar 16, 2005
  14. something >> > you see every day. Odd, having the road surface rise
    perpendicular in >> > front of you. And that sort of made up for it.
    "John Wayne's last role, as a dying gunfighter spending his last days
    looking for a way to die with a minimum of pain and a maximum of

    I don't think there are any London buses in that.[/QUOTE]

    He decided to take a job as a clippy on the number 42 - and gets
    stabbed in a row over a return to Islington Angel.
    Simon Atkinson, Mar 16, 2005
  15. Gyp

    Stritchy Guest

    I agree, a Bear ride is well worth it.

    BikeSafe (see other thread running atm) is also a very good 'course'
    if you just want hints and tips from people who know.
    Stritchy, Mar 16, 2005
  16. Gyp

    platypus Guest

    Well worth how much? You'd have to buy him a fucking bike, for starters...
    There's one on in Cheltenham in a couple of weeks, I may take a trundle up.
    platypus, Mar 16, 2005
  17. Gyp

    Tony Raven Guest

    It needs fixing. The needle's been stuck there for weeks ;-)

    Tony Raven, Mar 16, 2005
  18. Gyp

    dwb Guest

    Oi - I make an effort on best lines and somehow still end up somewhere near
    the back...

    Alternatively a weekend trundling round Wales with Dave C would work...
    Does he do any other kind of riding?
    dwb, Mar 16, 2005
  19. Gyp

    dwb Guest

    In my case it's very very black - so you'd probably like it.
    dwb, Mar 16, 2005
  20. Gyp

    darsy Guest

    he does "fannying around on an underpowered supermoto" too.
    darsy, Mar 16, 2005
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