I think I've got MIIS

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Gyp

    darsy Guest


    Of course, you'll notice the "I don't feel the need to filter all the
    time" brigade aren't London riders...
    darsy, Mar 15, 2005
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  2. Gyp

    simonk Guest

    There are times when I can't be arsed, in which case I generally position my
    bike in the Driving Standards Agency / Advanced Motorcyclist "dominant
    position", rather than holding up half of motorcycling London and
    demonstrating a lack of awareness of the view through my mirrors
    simonk, Mar 15, 2005
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  3. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    Heh, depends dunnit? When in London, do as the Londoners do.
    Muck, Mar 15, 2005
  4. Gyp

    mups Guest

    MikeH says...
    But better than the "Oh ****, panic, change down two and nail it" style
    of overtake.
    mups, Mar 15, 2005
  5. Gyp

    CT Guest

    That's only if you're a) on a sportsbike or b) on a shed but can
    go round the outside of "power rangers".

    So you've got an excuse now you don't have the Gixer. :eek:)
    CT, Mar 15, 2005
  6. BMs have got huge sticky out pots and wide bars so sprots bike riders
    and the like should have no excuse.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 15, 2005
  7. Gyp

    dwb Guest

    It's funny actually but I noticed things in the scenary I'd never noticed
    before the other day - maybe because I didn't have my head in the clocks, or
    maybe just because I had a different mindset.

    Either way, carving my own furrow as it were.
    dwb, Mar 15, 2005
  8. Gyp

    'Hog Guest

    And cyclists, **** it been ages since we slagged those cunts off.

    "They should all wear VED disks on their foreheads"

    Hmm which is the best xpost group for this.

    'Hog, Mar 15, 2005
  9. And they should pay insurance and get some sort of consequence for drunk
    driving. Most of 'em are full of gin gone midnight.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 15, 2005
  10. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    and they should obey red lights and road signs...

    Yeh, like that's going to work.
    Muck, Mar 15, 2005
  11. Gyp

    James Annan Guest

    We get hangovers like the rest of you.

    Only not as bad, cos we are fitter, and full of gin most nights.


    James Annan, Mar 15, 2005
  12. Gyp

    Lady Nina Guest

    The 11 year old has been known to shout 'learn to filter' at bikes
    that are sitting in traffic. But then she's a Riding God already.
    Lady Nina, Mar 15, 2005
  13. Gyp

    Lady Nina Guest

    There's another sort?
    Lady Nina, Mar 15, 2005
  14. Gyp

    MikeH Guest

    Yes - Muck goes down one more[1].

    [1] Feedlines'r'us
    MikeH, Mar 15, 2005
  15. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    MikeH wrote:
    Heh.. cnut. :)
    Muck, Mar 15, 2005
  16. Gyp

    Elly Guest

    I sometimes start my journey to uni in that mood ...

    Funny how it disappears as soon as I encounter traffic :)

    Elly - a bunged up Pixie wiv writer's block :(
    ZX9R-E1 - 'The bike made me do it!'
    Spike - FZ400 - firing on 3 cylinders
    MRO#32 ibW#25 BoTAFOT#46 BoTAFOF #46 GP#1 UKRMRM#00 TWA#3
    "Angel in the kitchen ... "
    elly at garagepixies dot co dot uk
    Elly, Mar 15, 2005
  17. Gyp

    Elly Guest

    Likewise with my 8 year old ... 'Mummy, why's that bloke not
    filtering?' or the more derisive 'pah, why bother having a bike if he
    won't filter!'

    He's a good little lad :)

    Elly - a sneezy Pixie wiv writer's block
    ZX9R-E1 - 'The bike made me do it!'
    Spike - FZ400 - firing on 3 cylinders
    MRO#32 ibW#25 BoTAFOT#46 BoTAFOF #46 GP#1 UKRMRM#00 TWA#3
    "Angel in the kitchen ... "
    elly at garagepixies dot co dot uk
    Elly, Mar 15, 2005
  18. Gyp

    Monz Guest

    Stand back lads... I'll take this one.

    Fit, FIT you say... pahh pulling these litre superbikes around has honed me
    into the fine figure of a man that I am... pahh, pushrods, I ask yer!

    I'll give yer fit!

    Monz, Mar 15, 2005
  19. Gyp

    Muck Guest

    I start Uni on September 5th[1], it's about 2 miles away though.

    Muck, Mar 15, 2005
  20. Gyp

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb says...
    Bits of SV650 fairing on the A4011?
    Lozzo, Mar 15, 2005
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