Motorcyclist Incompetence Intolerance Syndrome that is. SWMBO is often amused when we are pottering along in the car and I should abuse at motorcyclists who are riding slowly on sports bikes and getting in my way. Especially those that have bikes that I would love to be able to afford, but are riding so slowly that I could overtake them if they weren't all over the road. Or those that I do overtake because they are so close behind a tractor they can't see to overtake. That sort of thing. I was coming back up the A435 from Ciren last night in the diesel Skoda and I was overtaken on the solid whites by a 9R. Nothing unusual in that, but after he went past he didn't actually seem to be moving away from me at the rate that his body posture suggested that he might. Intrigued, I thought I'd follow. Soon became clear that he was going for it on the straights, but was actually rather slow around the bends. This was despite hanging off rather a lot. And so we went. Him pulling away on the straights and me catching him up on the twisties, all the time yelling abuse. Finally he put some distance between us when there were a couple of long straights and I then got stuck behind a Beemer of some sort. Does anyone else find themselves yelling at motorcyclists that aren't doing it right of is it just me?