I think I've found the car...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by platypus, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Google Earth.

    51°51'48.19"N, 2°11'46.28"W and zoom down to as low as it will go. It's the
    car park at work, and I'm almost certain that's the platybus.
    platypus, Dec 25, 2005
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  2. platypus

    Buzby Guest

    51°51'48.19"N, 2°11'46.28"W and zoom down to as low as it will go. It's
    twas a bit careless losing it the first place eh?
    Buzby, Dec 25, 2005
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  3. platypus

    BGN Guest

    That's very badly parked. You've stuck it at a stupid angle, you
    didn't reverse-park it and you're probably on the grass too.
    BGN, Dec 25, 2005
  4. platypus

    Ben Guest

    I used to be able to see my car in the carpark of my flat, now they've
    updated the photos and it's not on it anymore.

    On the other hand I've now noticed just how many of my neighbours have
    swimming pools and tennis courts in their back gardens. Lots of them.
    Ben, Dec 25, 2005
  5. platypus

    Stritchy Guest

    If you go to 52°08'39.02"N, 0°27'32.52"W it zooms into the BPoD at
    rest. About 200ft altitude is the best.

    Good fun this satellite voyeurism!
    Stritchy, Dec 25, 2005
  6. platypus

    platypus Guest

    That's how I can tell it's mine. I'm almost as crap with a car as I am with
    a bike.
    platypus, Dec 25, 2005
  7. platypus

    platypus Guest

    It rolled all the way over.
    platypus, Dec 25, 2005
  8. platypus

    Owen Guest

    Platy old chap, you really should get out more...
    Owen, Dec 26, 2005
  9. platypus

    Lozzo Guest

    Champ said...

    I have....several of them. Usually in some Bedfordshire farmer's field
    or ditch.
    Lozzo, Jan 2, 2006
  10. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Nope. Staggered a bit on occasion, but never actually upside-down that I
    can recall.
    platypus, Jan 2, 2006
  11. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Can't imagine why, it seems a fairly pedestrian gymnastic exercise. Were
    you wearing your leotards?
    platypus, Jan 2, 2006
  12. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Well, I've had windscreens break on occasion, but not when I've been leaving
    the car.
    platypus, Jan 4, 2006
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