I see you baby...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by justAL, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. justAL

    justAL Guest

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  2. justAL

    Bernie Dwyer Guest

    Bernie Dwyer, Mar 20, 2006
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  3. justAL

    Dr.Shifty Guest

    About a million years ago, prolly 1970 or so, there was these twins from
    the US who held the record for being the heaviest blokes in the
    universe. I think between them they weighed about fifty or sixty stone.
    The only thing they could do for a living was sit there so that's what
    they did. The local shopping centre had them on display when I saw them.
    To get around they rode little Hondas coz they were too heavy to walk.
    How those bikes managed to stay alive is anybody's guess.

    Dr.Shifty, Mar 20, 2006
  4. Remember they jumped over several buses on them Z50's? Matchbox buses
    that is.. but they almost blew it when one over balanced a bit.
    Biggus La Great., Mar 20, 2006
  5. justAL

    corks Guest

    bastard's not wearing a helmet, where's me ticket book :)
    corks, Mar 20, 2006
  6. justAL

    Goaty Guest

    Goaty, Mar 22, 2006
  7. justAL

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I love the shopping basket on the front.....
    Knobdoodle, Mar 23, 2006
  8. justAL

    Goaty Guest

    This machine was made for the urban lifestyle - shopping basket in
    front, and a slab fitted precisely on the floor!

    God, I wish I still had it!

    How many of us always wish we had machine <whatever> from a few
    purchases ago?

    Goaty, Mar 26, 2006
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