I scare children

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BGN, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. BGN

    Hog Guest

    Ms Phillips is a right old one. Major league apologist for the Israeli
    government amongst other things. She featured in a rather good edition
    of Question Time where she chided the entire audience for disagreeing
    with her and another panel member (Will Self) for being anti-semitic,
    who turned out to be jewish. "Not a very good one then" was her reply
    IIRC. Unlike Ann Coulter she isn't even shaggable.
    Hog, Mar 21, 2006
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  2. BGN

    sweller Guest

    Will Self has been spotted in 'my local' on a couple of occasions.

    He seems to have got over the touch of flu he had.
    sweller, Mar 21, 2006
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  3. BGN

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Mar 21, 2006
  4. Oh, yes it is. The same selfish forces of "I'm all right and **** You,
    Jack", are still alive and well in a surprisingly large part of the
    population. Left to the selfish, the working environment wouldn't take
    too long to resemble the conditions of the 19th C.

    American Corporations, anyone?
    Not analogous at all, imo.
    GS850x2 XS650 SE6a
    I demand nothing of you except that you amuse me.

    Folding@Home Team UKRM
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 21, 2006
  5. BGN

    Ben Guest

    But the point is, we're not, and those rights that unions fought for
    are now enshrined in law. So arguably the union is redundant in
    favour of personal education of your legal position or a lawyer.
    Ben, Mar 21, 2006
  6. BGN

    sweller Guest

    However those 'enshrined rights' need protecting but most importantly the
    job's far from finished.
    sweller, Mar 21, 2006
  7. BGN

    Timo Geusch Guest

    sweller scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    I'd say that the protection requires a certain amount of working hard
    against the creeping erosion of said rights, for starters.
    Timo Geusch, Mar 21, 2006
  8. I strongly suggest that you do not watch Head to Head on BBC News 24 on
    a Sunday evening then. She occasionally pops up on that and it is hard
    not to throw things at the telly.

    There is a good cross section of other journalists though who I can at
    least sit and listen to even if I don't like their views on certain
    issues. You get Janet Daley, Ann Leslie, Michael Gove, Bruce Anderson,
    David Aaronovitch, Steve Richards, Yasmin Alibhi-Brown and Polly
    Toynbee. We used to get dear old Ken Clarke too - usually up against
    Polly Toynbee - but he hasn't been on for months.

    The best one ever was Bruce A vs Yasmin AB. It almost got to blows and
    there was a hell of a lot of very loud conversation - huge fun. I
    actually like listening to Ann Leslie - I don't like her politics but
    the fact that she is a well travelled reporter and is very familiar with
    the Middle East gives her comments added insight.
    Paul Corfield, Mar 21, 2006
  9. BGN

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    So there's no room for any more improvements in working conditions?

    I'm actually surprised at you Ben. You've been shafted by people
    you've worked for and I would have thought that having someone
    fighting for your rights would rate quite highly in your estimation.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 21, 2006
  10. BGN

    Ali Hopkins Guest

    I'd watch it if they promised to behead the billy sitch.
    I like him, although, like you, he's not someone whose views I always care
    for. It's like I have Huge Respeck for Tony Benn. Honourable and principled.
    Yuh. Unlike Firrips, she has some basis of education. I mislike her politics
    as well, but at least there's some knowledge there.

    The other journo I can't stand is bloody Orla Guerin, with those hang dog
    eyes and portentous voice.

    Ali Hopkins, Mar 22, 2006
  11. Oh yes. No doubt Orla Guerin could win a EuroMillions rollover in the
    half-hour breathing-space between wondershags, and she'd still look as if
    she'd been forced to watch her kitten being microwaved.
    Véritable Rosbif, Mar 22, 2006
  12. BGN

    simonk Guest

    She needs a good slapping, IMHO
    simonk, Mar 22, 2006
  13. An interesting description and I know exactly what you mean.

    I'm afraid that Lyse Doucet (sp?) on the BBC has a voice that, IMO, can
    cut through steel. Drives me mad and sets my teeth on edge.
    While this is definitely a LOL moment. Splendid choice of words.
    Paul Corfield, Mar 22, 2006
  14. All of the women or someone in particular?
    Paul Corfield, Mar 22, 2006
  15. BGN

    simonk Guest

    Sorry, Polly Toynbee.
    simonk, Mar 22, 2006
  16. BGN

    Ben Guest

    In that situation it turned out that a union wouldn't have made a
    blind bit of difference.

    And the fault lay with me for letting myself get ripped off.
    Ben, Mar 23, 2006
  17. BGN

    Pip Guest

    Ah. Thought you might have had someone with credibility.
    Pip, Mar 24, 2006
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