I made 'roadshow' today!

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Ken Ward, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. Ken Ward

    Ken Ward Guest

    The Gary Richards column in the Mercury News in todays (June 3) paper,
    in at least the morning edition. With his recent writings about ways to
    save fuel, I wrote to him about being a full time motorcycle commuter.

    One of the things I requested, was that he remind drivers that lane
    sharing is not illegal, and that he rebut what some radio announcers
    have advocated.

    His printed opinion of the DJ's advice: "Stupid and irresponsible."
    Does anyone have the station ID and date that I can send him? He
    promised more on lane sharing in Monday's edition.

    '91 K100rs
    Ken Ward, Jun 4, 2006
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  2. To summarize for those that missed it, it's the same old story of
    jealousy. Gary printed letters from people who were just plain jealous.
    A few conceeded that acting in road rage against lane-splitters was
    technically illegal, but that people shouldn't lane split in the first
    place just because they legally could. Gary's opinion was similar: it
    is dangerous and people just shouldn't do it. *sigh* Cagers are jealous
    of bikers, cagers are jealous of cagers who drive bigger cages... if
    everyone would just mind their own @#$#@ business and DRIVE SAFELY, the
    world would be a much better place. Funny that the classification of
    road rage as a mental disorder came out today. (I personally don't
    _like_ to lane-split, and I don't if traffic is moving above ~15-20
    mph, but that is my choice.) Maybe someone should write Gary and remind
    him that the majority of two-party motorcycle accidents are the cager's
    fault. Then maybe he could point the finger where it squarely belongs.
    BroTHeR zAcHaRy, Jun 6, 2006
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  3. I wonder if that's really true, or at least if it's seen that way. If
    you're lane-splitting and you clip a mirror, I think everyone--the
    cager, the cop, the judge--will consider the accident to be your fault
    because it wouldln't have happened if you weren't lane-splitting.
    Especially when you consider that the 4-wheeled vehicles you were
    riding between were not moving, or moving much slower than you and
    didn't have the lateral freedom of movement.

    (If an angry cager opens a door deliberately in your path, or spits
    tobacco-juice in your eyes as you go by, that's different of course.
    But how often does that really happen?)
    blazing laser, Jun 7, 2006
  4. Ken Ward

    Paul Elliot Guest

    Happened once to me, juuusst missed ripping the door off of an old
    Beetle. CHP will cite the bike rider for sure, it is called "Assumtion
    of Risk".

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/paul1cart/my_photos

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    Paul Elliot, Jun 7, 2006
  5. Ken Ward

    Mike Nelson Guest

    From the Hurt Report at http://www.magpie.com/nycmoto/hurt.html

    6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle
    violated the motorcycle right-of-way and caused the accident in
    two-thirds of those accidents.

    7. The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in
    traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents. The driver
    of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle did not
    see the motorcycle before the collision, or did not see the motorcycle
    until too late to avoid the collision.

    8. Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is
    a rare accident cause. The most frequent accident configuration is the
    motorcycle proceeding straight then the automobile makes a left turn in
    front of the oncoming motorcycle.

    10. Intersections are the most likely place for the motorcycle accident,
    with the other vehicle violating the motorcycle right-of-way, and often
    violating traffic controls.

    To order:

    Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures,
    Volume 1: Technical Report, Hurt, H.H., Ouellet, J.V. and Thom, D.R.,
    Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,

    California 90007, Contract No. DOT HS-5-01160, January 1981 (Final Report)

    This document is available through:

    National Technical Information Service
    5285 Port Royal Road
    Springfield, Virginia 22161

    Vol.I (The Main Report and Summary) is PB81206443 (~400 pages)
    Vol.II (Appendix: Supplementary Data) is PB81206450 (~400 pages)
    Either document is $42.95 plus $3.00 shipping. (circa 1990)
    Mike Nelson, Jun 7, 2006
  6. Are you sure? Road rage isn't exactly ignored these days. Quite the
    opposite. When traffic is stopped, I don't go more than about 15mph, if
    that, so I'd hopefully have time to stop. If traffic is moving 15 mph,
    say, then I'd like to see what believable scenario a driver or
    passenger would have for opening a door wide open in a moving vehicle.
    BroTHeR zAcHaRy, Jun 8, 2006
  7. Ken Ward

    Timberwoof Guest

    Well, sometimes they do have that lateral freedom of movement, and the
    exercise it to put themselves in the way of an approaching vehicle.
    (But more often, they do nothing or even get out of the way.)
    Never had either happen to me.
    Timberwoof, Jun 8, 2006
  8. Ken Ward

    Timberwoof Guest

    There's an apocryphal story of a guy who did that, caused a traffic jam,
    bragged, "Look! I got one!", and got arrested for attempted murder. I
    believe it is illegal to open your car door into traffic.
    Timberwoof, Jun 8, 2006
  9. Ken Ward

    Tim Guest

    Don't know what you would class as rare, but have had doors opened twice
    in 15 years of commuting in the BA .. once NB on the peninsula (80) the
    passenger in a POS driven by some young guy .. once EB on Hwy 4 in
    Antioch .. old guy driving a mustang ... also numerous incidents of
    'squeezing' .. one NB on 80 before the Vallejo bridge where the moron
    hit!! the car to his left .. I would say base on my experience these
    things DO happen pretty often .. especially when once in a lifetime is
    plenty!! Was lucky in all cases and was able to stop or avoid. And in all
    these cases the cage had NO reason to act out .. in all these events
    there was no 'preceding history' .....

    But trying to get non-moto people or even non-commute moto people to see
    our perspective is probably impossible (include Roadshow Gary) and also
    probably a big waste of time.
    Tim, Jun 8, 2006
  10. Ken Ward

    Timberwoof Guest

    I've been riding for almost ten years, but lanesplitting regularly only
    much more recently. So maybe I just haven't seen it yet. I'm glad you
    foresaw those events and managed to avoid them.
    Getting Gary Roadshow to change his mind about how dangerous he thinks
    lanesplitting is is worthwhile. If he would change his tune to "In dense
    traffic, motorcycles are safer between cars' doors is safer than between
    their bumpers. Drivers should get used to the reality of lanesplitting
    motorcycles and, in dense traffic, should expect motorcycles to come
    driving by", I'll be happy.
    Timberwoof, Jun 9, 2006
  11. Ken Ward

    Tim Guest

    PerTimberwoof ba.motorcycles:
    Agree that getting Gary to change his mind would be worthwhile // just
    don't think it's going to happen .. thus my 'waste of time' comment; not
    implying it wouldn't be great if he did.
    Tim, Jun 9, 2006
  12. Ken Ward

    Ken Ward Guest

    My most common problem is ciggies being flipped out the window of the
    preceding car. I hate that. I've only had one actually hit me, but it
    hit me right on the throat. I've come to expect a butt to eventually
    come flying out of every car where the smoker is holding it outside.

    "Oops, it just slipped right out of my fingers."

    Ken Ward, Jun 9, 2006
  13. Ken Ward

    Rich Guest

    The gods of fire smiled on you.
    Rich, Jun 10, 2006
  14. Ken Ward

    Timberwoof Guest

    Or maybe trying to catch some doofus being dangerous toward a
    motorcycle, and using you as a decoy. That's a much healthier attitude
    than "ohgodohgodohgod he's gonna write me a ticket!"

    In September? What's he trying to do -- start a forest fire?
    Did you wave? }: )
    See, the doofus saw you because you head your headlights on ... and
    didn't see the CHP because he didn't. :p
    Timberwoof, Jun 10, 2006
  15. Ken Ward

    muddy Guest

    I rode into a speed trap once, fortunately for me so did Mr. Fuckwit.
    Not only did Mr. Fuckwit not see me, he missed the stop sign he drove
    through and the cop parked just down the road. I did the dodge the
    fuckwit ina cage drill, the cop went full disco and bagged a keeper.
    muddy, Jun 10, 2006
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