I love riding

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Fraser Johnston, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Just got back after a week off the bike. Had lasik surgery last Tuesday and
    between that and looking after kids haven't been able to ride. Today I jumped
    on the bike and picked up the girlfriend for a ride through kings park. Then
    headed down the river to Burswood to check out some of the air flow gloves from
    BMW (All sold out dammit). Even though it was ridiculously hot and there was
    sweat running down my helmet it was magic being on the bike again. It really
    is an addiction.

    As an aside I saw the new R1200GS which has been on the showroom floor for
    exactly one day. I couldn't really see too much difference but I still want
    one. : )
    Fraser Johnston, Feb 11, 2008
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  2. Fraser Johnston

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    They had lots when I was there on Friday, but all size 12 Lumberjack. Even
    my hands aren't that big. I bought the Rallys.
    Didn't notice any bikes. Well OK, I did notice there were bikes there.

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 11, 2008
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  3. Yeah my choice in size was size 6 (tiny elf hands) or 12 (lumberjack) so I
    ordered some size 9. $110. They are a bloody nice glove. Thin with a
    stainless steel back. The airflow pants looked bloody good as well but at $500
    a pair I took a pass. I can picture my post lotto win garage having a few BMWs
    in it.

    Fraser Johnston, Feb 12, 2008
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