I Know Ya'll R Hunters

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. ya'll don't like the Cowboyz, ya don't like TV, especially a couple of
    ya whom detest
    Reality senseless TV shows, ya dont play golf, go to yard sales, estate
    sales, none of ya saw the movie Alamo,& told me ya didnt plan to.
    OKAY......so.......I bet you all, are, Hunters. Now!......the main
    purpose of this post.<> How about that
    idiot in Wisconsin, that shot and killed five Hunters and wounded
    three. The shooter was waiting in the their Stand, waiting to shoot them
    on sight. He was from St. Paul,& an Asian, who had caused trouble before
    with the Hunters. He claimed he didnt understand the concept of private
    property, and land that was leased by others, etc. Glad they found, and
    arrested his ass.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 23, 2004
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  2. I stopped hunting many years back, not really any reason, but I did grow up
    in the wisconsin area and this is an unusual story, but there are quite a
    few unusual stories up in that area having to do with hunters. Personally I
    have returned fire on two seperate occasions.

    As far as the guy who didn't understand about private property I have only
    one question. If you don't understand the concept, then why did he fight.
    Those that truly don't understand the private property concepts and accept
    it is put here for us all to enjoy should have welcomed the hunters and been
    more than happy to share.
    The actions as told by the media suggests that this person did understand
    private property concept when he decided to fight what he thought was his to
    Maybe there is more to the story, but the one the media has put out sounds
    more like and excuse than a plausable argument in court.
    Elmer McKeegan, Nov 24, 2004
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  3. IN PART)~~~~~~~~The actions as told by the media suggests that this
    person did understand private property concept when he decided to fight
    what he thought was his to use.
    Maybe there is more to the story, but the one the media has put out
    sounds more like and excuse than a plausable argument in court.
    Elmer McKeegan
    Elmer, I don't think it was a "FIGHT"
    The way I read it, it suggest he opened fire, the first sight of the
    other hunters.
    Then got down, & casually, reloaded, and shot again, and possibly as
    ''they'' were running away form the ''asian shooter''

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 24, 2004
  4. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nope. I don't hunt. I find it senseless. I also find it dangerous when
    you have a bunch of idiots spraying themselves with deer scent,
    getting quiet boots, camo colored rifles, sitting in a stand 40' in
    the air...and get there wearing a big assed orange vest with
    reflective stripes. Then they shoot anything that moves in the woods,
    whether they have a clear sight or not. People tend to get "deer
    fever" and pull the trigger too easily.

    Now, before someone says "I bet you'd hunt if you were hungry", let me
    just say that I'm in Mesquite Texas...if I get hungry, I can go to
    McDonalds or IHOP!
    This is why I don't hunt. It's just not what it should be.
    Brian Walker, Nov 24, 2004
  5. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, okay! I know I should know this...bein' an amerikkkan and
    all...WHAT THE HELL IS A "BAC"?!?!?!

    I've only spent 3 freakin' days thinking about it and now I have a

    Time to put the Shadow on a charger and get ready to RIDE!!!
    Brian Walker, Nov 28, 2004
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