I know it's clean, but...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JackH, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. JackH

    JackH Guest

    JackH, Dec 6, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  2. JackH

    Klaatu Guest

    Klaatu, Dec 9, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. JackH

    Hog Guest

    Please please please could people put in a couple of descriptive lines from
    the ad when they post eBay links? gives some basis on which to decide to
    follow it...or not.
    Hog, Dec 9, 2003
  4. Yeah, but look at the bid history of the two monkeys who took it
    from 745quid to almost three grand. Three bidders;
    "mascaraboy2003" with negative feedback, "deanswincoe" with
    *-3* as feedback and "rogbonzo", who has had two bid retractions.

    If I were the seller, I'd be looking at that with my head in
    my hands, and then be emailing "gizzit01924"...
    William Grainger, Dec 9, 2003
  5. JackH

    Klaatu Guest

    Klaatu, Dec 9, 2003
  6. JackH

    Salad Dodger Guest

    "Complaint : Bogus bidder. Would not answer emails"

    Job's a good 'un.
    Salad Dodger, Dec 9, 2003
  7. William Grainger wrote

    Why is that posting name so familiar? Or has a synapse fired when it
    shouldn't and confused me? Google is no help.
    steve auvache, Dec 9, 2003
  8. Minus four, now. Surely a record.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 9, 2003
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