I have no time for drunk drivers

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sir.Tony, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Sir.Tony

    Sir.Tony Guest

    Any one who get caught over the limit, should be put behind bars. Drunk
    drivers are the biggest killers in England
    Sir.Tony, Feb 12, 2004
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  2. Sir.Tony

    QrizB Guest

    I think you'll find that tobacconists are the biggest killers in
    QrizB, Feb 12, 2004
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  3. Sir.Tony

    veryboring Guest

    i would agree.............but perhaps the blair gang are bigger
    killers...........would take quite a few piss heads to kill 55,000 dont u
    veryboring, Feb 12, 2004
  4. Wrong. actually.

    pseudoplatypus, Feb 12, 2004
  5. Sir.Tony

    Slider Guest

    Heart disease is England's biggest killer, although retribution for top
    posting is a close second.
    Slider, Feb 12, 2004
  6. Sir.Tony

    Steve Firth Guest

    And it just happens all by itself does it?
    Post your proof.
    Steve Firth, Feb 12, 2004
  7. Sir.Tony

    PR Guest

    You missed the point - what causes a high proportion of heart disease?? -
    yep, thats correct, SMOKING.

    We may all be worrying about the increase in overweight people, and the
    effect on the heart in the future - but currently Smoking is a very
    significant factor in heart disease.

    But dont blame the tobacconists - what about the growers - the people who
    make the things, - oh and the people who smoke the bloody things.

    Most of all blame the mindless morons that think it is OK to smuke in a room
    where there are other people who dont want to smoke - they are the evil
    bastards - they are the ONLY people who actually force anyone to smoke - no
    tobacconist ever forced you to smoke a fag.
    PR, Feb 12, 2004
  8. Sir.Tony

    Ace Guest

    I find that people like this always make me feel the need to light up
    right there and then...
    Why, did all that nicotine make him taste bad or something?
    Ace, Feb 12, 2004
  9. Sir.Tony

    Ace Guest

    Ah, next time make sure it's gore-tex.
    Ace, Feb 12, 2004
  10. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Sir.Tony said:
    ITYF most drunk drivers start off in bars :)
    Whinging Courier, Feb 12, 2004
  11. QrizB wrote
    Statistics, you can prove anything with it. You just ask sir.tony what
    the life expectancy of your average dogger is these days. He should
    steve auvache, Feb 12, 2004
  12. Yes! How they *force* people to buy and smoke their fags! Outrageous!
    Hang them all!
    Lee John Moore, Feb 12, 2004
  13. Sir.Tony

    mups Guest

    Most people die in bed, it's those murdering bastards like DFS who should
    be held responsible.
    mups, Feb 12, 2004
  14. Sir.Tony

    QrizB Guest

    Ah, but do they ever say *whose* bed?
    QrizB, Feb 12, 2004
  15. Sir.Tony

    Sir.Tony Guest

    What r u doing on this news-group? Nasty man!
    Tony Blair have saved a-lot of lived in Iraq from that evil doctator (Saddam
    Hussain). The people are more free now in Iraq now. I suppose you would also
    be against the War against Adolf Hitler, twerp
    Sir.Tony, Feb 12, 2004
  16. On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 21:04:43 +0000, Sir.Tony wrote:
    You *are* Officer Crabtree from Allo! Allo! - and I claim my five pounds.
    Godwin's Law invoked. You lose. *plonk*

    Lee John Moore, Feb 12, 2004
  17. I think, before you start name-calling, you should consult the history-books
    - we didn't go to war with Hitler's Germany when they broke the Treaty of
    Versailles (cf UN resolutions); we didn't go to war with Germany when they
    were raising an illegal army and ammassing weapons (cf wmd); we didn't even
    go to war with Germany after they invaded Austria.

    We only went to war against Germany when they invaded Poland.

    That's a bit different to us invading Iraq because Tony Blair sexed up the
    intelligence and duped the British public into supporting him - and then
    lying his way out of any criticism which followed and getting an
    establishment crony to sex up a report in his favour to boot. Not only that,
    despite a narrow remit, he even allowed the report to criticise the internal
    workings of our BBC - which had nothing to do with the death of David Kelly,
    now did it?

    Allan Bennett
    Not a fan of wriggling worms

    Allan Bennett, Feb 12, 2004
  18. Sir.Tony

    Ian Dalziel Guest

    I think you'll find the troll won't pay any attention to your reply.
    Ian Dalziel, Feb 12, 2004
  19. Sir.Tony

    Sir.Tony Guest

    I don't know why you bothered to post, if you don't have anything sensible
    to say? It is very easy to knock people, you probably wouldn't last five
    minutes if you did Tony Blair`s job
    Sir.Tony, Feb 12, 2004
  20. God Moaning. The resist-once have accqo-aired a bum. They are going to
    ex-plod the yoo-snot twot.
    Lee John Moore, Feb 13, 2004
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