I do *not* believe it

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Catman, Apr 15, 2004.

  1. Catman

    prawn Guest

    Ah-ha. Well, you live and learn.
    prawn, Apr 15, 2004
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  2. Catman

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Catman was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Oh arse, sorry to hear that. You've just found out why I ended up
    selling the ST...
    Timo Geusch, Apr 15, 2004
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  3. Catman

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Catman was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    I think it's more that Adie's been very lucky with hers...
    Timo Geusch, Apr 15, 2004
  4. Catman

    darsy Guest

    err, are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?

    (hint: I've no fucking idea).
    darsy, Apr 15, 2004
  5. Catman

    Salad Dodger Guest


    The first 4 are water-cooled, the last six are not.

    They are the ten bikes I've owned.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..63642../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:11 Pts: 190 Miles: 580
    Salad Dodger, Apr 15, 2004
  6. Catman

    deadmail Guest

    By whom?
    deadmail, Apr 15, 2004
  7. Catman

    darsy Guest

    OK, ta.

    for me, most of the bikes I've owned have been water-cooled, and
    they've all been fine, in a coolant-sort-of way.

    The oil-cooled bikes I've owned have been OK too.

    The air-cooled ones have generally been cunts.
    darsy, Apr 15, 2004
  8. Catman

    Salad Dodger Guest

    By me, you cheeky sod.

    For the record, the Blackbird's done 952 miles this year, the Wing
    981. (inc. 580 over Easter)

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..63642../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:11 Pts: 190 Miles: 580
    Salad Dodger, Apr 15, 2004
  9. Catman

    deadmail Guest

    Worth a try, Salad, old chap.
    Is that all? Blimey. I thought you did thousands of miles on the wing.
    Guess you do more in the summer months with the RBR thing?
    deadmail, Apr 16, 2004
  10. Catman

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Tis true, I'm afraid.

    My commute is only an eleven mile round trip, and the Wing's only been
    to Meriden, BOSM, and Sainsbury's since Xmas.

    Even with the RBR, and in-laws in France, I still only rack up about
    14-15k a year.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..63642../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:11 Pts: 190 Miles: 580
    Salad Dodger, Apr 16, 2004
  11. Catman

    Zymurgy Guest

    prawn wrote
    One is his daily transport, one is his weekend playmate.

    Guess which one is easier to commute into London on ;-)


    Zymurgy, Apr 16, 2004
  12. Catman

    deadmail Guest

    (Zymurgy) wrote in message
    The tube?
    deadmail, Apr 16, 2004
  13. Catman

    Salad Dodger Guest


    Well, it might be easier, but I don't much care for it.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..63642../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:11 Pts: 190 Miles: 580
    Salad Dodger, Apr 16, 2004
  14. it could also be that they're ridden regularly and serviced properly

    (replace spam with nickname to reply)

    UKRM FAQ: http://www.ukrm.net/faq/

    Triumph 955iSS / GSF600 bandit
    Adrienne M Jenn, Apr 16, 2004
  15. Catman

    Ace Guest

    Could be, although I had a few problems in the first year of
    ownership, when it was doing >500 miles/week and getting dealer
    serviced as required.

    To be sure, Timo's problems with it might have been aggravated by it
    sitting outside your pad all winter not being used...
    Ace, Apr 16, 2004
  16. Catman

    gomez Guest

    That all? I racked up 1100.
    gomez, Apr 16, 2004
  17. Catman

    Salad Dodger Guest

    I was busy drinking for the rest of it.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..63642../..15196.../..3157./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17
    '^' RBR-Visited:11 Pts: 190 Miles: 580
    Salad Dodger, Apr 16, 2004
  18. Catman

    Ben Guest

    I've just checked and I've done 1000ish, and I only bought the bike in
    January and only been out for fun when sunny.
    Ben, Apr 16, 2004
  19. Catman

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Ace was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Maybe, but then again that would hardly explain all the fuel leaks...
    Timo Geusch, Apr 16, 2004
  20. Catman

    platypus Guest

    Pah. I did 1361 on the Z200 over a long weekend in March.

    Platypus - (surreal)
    Triumph Trophy 1200 (The Incredible Hulk)
    VN800 Drifter (still for sale)
    R80RT (for sale - spares or repairs)
    Z200 (Fear the Distance Monster!)
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    platypus, Apr 16, 2004
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