i am going to post bsb results live as they happen

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by davie, May 1, 2005.

  1. davie

    davie Guest

    bsb results tomorrow :)
    davie, May 1, 2005
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  2. davie

    WavyDavy Guest

    Fine. Just put "Warning - BSB results spoiler" in the subject line to prove
    you're not a **** when you do it......


    PS. Did you spot where John Banks went wrong yet?
    WavyDavy, May 1, 2005
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  3. davie

    Simes Guest

    I think you may just possibly be talking to a sock-puppet.
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  4. davie

    Simes Guest

    Ginged by the cripple. FFS.
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  5. davie

    John Banks Guest

    Check the IPs you tit.
    John Banks, May 1, 2005
  6. davie

    Simes Guest

    I was referring to your tech skills more than your bad back! Far be it
    from me to mock the afflicted.
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  7. davie

    dwb Guest

    Not to mention whether or not upgrading to an IP that he's heard about, even
    though he's not used the current one, would be a good idea or not.

    I do have visions of wobbling at 30mph (in the dry) - but I'm sure he'll
    correct me.
    dwb, May 1, 2005
  8. davie

    Simes Guest

    Let me guess... You weren't a single child were you?
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  9. davie

    John Banks Guest

    Enjoy your vision. I'm having a laugh so why shouldn't you?
    John Banks, May 1, 2005
  10. davie

    Simes Guest

    You're thinking of some other chappie - prolly Mr Banks. I'm Mr PC.
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  11. davie

    Simes Guest

    I expect you are. Chuckling and dribbling happily to yourself.
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  12. Oh good. Tell you what - why not put them in the header?
    The Older Gentleman, May 1, 2005
  13. davie

    John Banks Guest

    That might spoil it for those who don't want to know. For those who don't
    understand "do not read", I have no sympathy.
    John Banks, May 1, 2005
  14. davie

    Simes Guest

    My jolly japes are much jollier (for me).
    Simes, May 1, 2005
  15. davie

    Catman Guest

    Singularly stupid, if that's what you mean.
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 1, 2005
  16. Wotcha.
    That's fine by me - can't stand racing anyway.
    Besides, the names wouldn't mean anything to me, but if it makes you
    feel better......
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, May 1, 2005
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