My bike has started fine for 4 years, but recently it's become harder and harder to get going. Compression was low and the bore was slightly scored so the bore was re-plated - compression is now good. Had the valve clearances done. New camchain, tensioner and slippers fitted while the motor was apart. New CDI unit, as the other died.... a coincidence I think. None of this helped, so I bought a new battery... Bingo! I thought the problem was fixed.... but no... the bad starting has returned. The bike usually starts if I spin it over on the button, then give it a kick to aid it. Or it will start if I bump it (not easy). I need to sell the bike, but obviously that wouldn't be easy. I need it to start on the button like it should. It's as if there's not enough juice in the battery to provide a spark when the starter motor is being used. I now suspect the starter is the problem - probably draining too much current.... what do you think? What might go wrong with a starter motor?