Now I've got my ram mount all sorted and can happily sattelite my way round the globe and multimedia-whilst-net-connected, my bluetooth headset affair has crapped out. It was a little stroppy in the cold a couple of times, but finally decided to ignore most button presses and refuse to turn off, connect to anything, or change the display on it's poxy little screen. I've left it to die of low power and tried starting it up again, but it's pretty functionless. It was a motorola S705. Now, If I was silly, I'd be considering the ability to receive calls whilst on the bike, which would involve a microphone and ears type connection. I'm sold on bluetooth on the basis that I don't have to pass wires into the waterproof setup I have. I'm pretty happy with the sony MDR-EX71 headphones I have, they're a pain to get OUT of my helmet, but they're easy to get in and comfortable whilst riding. Can I once again tap the collective experience of the foak to try and avoid wasting cash on crap?