Lunchtime news today: Mothercare have rewritten Humpty Dumty. Apparently the original is too traumatic for children so the y have altered the ending to something like "...Humpty Dumpty counted to ten Humpty Dumpty stood up again." Sad, very sad. -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
You forgot the first bit: Humpty Dumpty set down beside a wall (because he would never be so irresponsible as to try and climb it, thus risking injury or even some kind of illegal enchroachment on someone else's property) Humpty Dumpty never had a great fall, in fact he never suffered any pain, either physically or emotionally and has always been very happy, .....
I like it. What'll be next, I wonder? Ring a ring of roses.. Atishoo, atishoo we all wipe our nose cleanly and pur our tissue in the bin? -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
Hansel and Gretel went to visit the poor old woman who lived in the dilapidated cottage in the woods and arranged for a visitor from the Social Work Dept to call on her to make sure she was getting all the benefits she could legitimately claim for. The two youngsters then mounted a campaign in the village to reverse the negative publicity that old women who live in tumbledown cottages in the woods have, making sure that perjorative terms such as 'witch' were not used any more. Meanwhile, a certain Mr B.B. Wolf was earnestly enquiring at the local builders' yard whether they had any big nails in stock, as he was concerned about the stability of his neighbours' house during high winds. -- Dave GS 850 x2 / SE 6a SbS#6? DIAABTCOD#16 APOSTLE#16? FUB#3 FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
If I remember right Humpty Dumpty was the 'nick name' of a siege cannon or mortar thingy that had been mounted on a tower during a *siege* some where in England. It fell off and broke apart and was beyond repair by the military geniuses on horse back. That's what the song is about.
And one of the reasons I think it's stupid to go altering the rhyme. It's _about_ something after all. Heh, I was just going to say 'What next, change the gospel story so Jesus doesn't end up dead?'. This scams been going a long time hasn't it.. ;-) -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
At home infront of the lunchtime news today when I should have been at work (flu). Some nursery was having a moan about it. They'd rather they'd have changed rock a bye baby... -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
Dunno about any official line, but it's fairly obvious that three days later he was still alive, ergo he wasn't dead in the first place. After that I reckon it all got a bit too hot for him and he buggerred off somewhere else to let the fuss calm down.
Well, they added a bit to make it all okay, didn't they? After all, little kiddies might get upset to see Jesus all dead and wrapped up in a tomb. -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, jsp Heh. "And they took down his body and placed it in a cave. Where it stayed. Until it rotted. Just like every other so-called 'Son of God' we've had cluttering the place up".