
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Ddubya, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Ddubya

    Ddubya Guest

    Now, don't flame me, I'm just a regular guy trying to do a little something
    on the side in an area that I really love, ya know, RIDING MOTORCYCLES. Been
    seeing some of the posts, and posted one the other day about the nice
    weather here in Houston, perfect riding weather as far as I'm concerned,
    love it! What I love even more is listening to some tunes and chatting with
    my riding partners whilst toolin' down some fine Texas back road! Which
    brings me to what this post is about.

    I'm the first (as far as I know) U.S. Distributor for a communication device
    called Starcom 1, maybe ya'll have heard of it maybe you haven't. It's made
    across the pond by a company called Tecstar. The unit does pretty much what
    the Autocom does but for a few less bucks, and that always gets my
    attention, now don't preach about the oats and the horse and getting what
    you pay for, I don't endorse it unless I've tried it and this thing is
    everything they say it is.

    Mr. Walker was talking about meetings, going to them and such and I would
    make myself available to come a do a demonstration of the device should
    anyone want to invite me. Thanks for reading this post and happy riding!

    '97 BMW R1100RT
    Ddubya, Dec 10, 2003
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  2. Ddubya

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. Far be it from me to "flame" anyone... haha.. You look familiar to
    me.. I don't believe the meetings I discuss would be an appropriate to
    demonstrate a product.. So.. no invitation here, from me.. Anyone else
    willing, is welcome to forward an invitation..Seems to me that any one of
    the rallies held around the state would be more suitable for that purpose..
    They are always looking for vendor's to attend.. Just a suggestion and no
    offense intended...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 10, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Ddubya

    Ddubya Guest

    Thanks, Mr. Walker and I intend on doing just that...I appreciate the
    suggestion, no offense taken
    Ddubya, Dec 10, 2003
  4. Ddubya

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good... one other "little" suggestion, if you please.. First of all, lose
    the "Mr." and then, I was born, raised and have lived in Texas for most of
    my life, and I have never, best I can recall.. said "Howdy".. Maybe the
    Altzheimers is kickin' in again.. LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 10, 2003
  5. Ddubya

    Ddubya Guest

    Ok, will do....
    Ddubya, Dec 11, 2003
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