How to gid rid of a nagging pillion...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cab, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. Cab

    ogden Guest

    So go. Put on as much as you feel comfortable wearing, get on the bike,
    and ride it. If you feel too exposed, go back and put some more on.

    There's always that nagging shredded-skin thought, but if you go fast
    enough the wind noise more than drowns it out.

    PS. I've never worn full leathers in my life, and have had the grisly
    leg injury to show for it. Did it teach me to wear leathers? No. Did
    it teach me just how much it hurts when things go wrong when not wearing
    leathers? Yes.

    Call it an educated risk.
    ogden, Sep 9, 2004
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  2. Cab

    Champ Guest

    Search me.
    Champ, Sep 9, 2004
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  3. Cab

    Mike Guest

    I suspect that if SWMBO saw me with a large-breasted bird on the back
    leathers wouldn't help.
    Mike, Sep 9, 2004
  4. Cab

    platypus Guest

    Well, it looked like a deliberate get-off to me. Obviously she'd realised
    that she'd mistakenly hooked up with Crap Wheelie Boy.
    platypus, Sep 9, 2004
  5. Cab

    Cammo Guest

    Always. You'll feel incredibly vulnerable. But it hones the senses and makes
    you realise the risks you take when fully protected.
    Cammo, Sep 9, 2004
  6. Cab

    Cammo Guest

    That's gotta hurt a tad.
    I'd like to know quite how she manages it though. She appears to bottle it,
    and launch herself off the back in a most unusual fashion.
    I've seen friends lose pillions from acceleration/wheelies, but they've all
    landed on their arses or backs.
    Cammo, Sep 9, 2004
  7. Cab

    Pip Guest

    Well, they were large before she wore them away against the tarmac.
    Pip, Sep 9, 2004
  8. Cab

    HooDooWitch Guest

    HooDooWitch, Sep 9, 2004
  9. Cab

    Eiron Guest

    A bit? I should say it was gravely rash.
    Eiron, Sep 9, 2004
  10. Cab

    'Hog Guest

    If you go into an HG shop or Bikestyle near Coleshil they have some new
    stuff. Armoured abrasion resistant jackets which have been tea bagged. Not
    bad looking either. That and a pair of Hood Jeans should do.
    'Hog, Sep 9, 2004
  11. Cab

    YTC#1 Guest

    Until my off in 2001 I was pro leather, then for some reason I started to
    think "**** it" on nice days.
    1 mile or 50, makes no odds. I binned the XJR at the bottom of my road in
    YTC#1, Sep 9, 2004
  12. Cab

    YTC#1 Guest

    Hmmm, and how carefully were you riding at the EOSM all those years ago ?
    YTC#1, Sep 9, 2004
  13. Quite. Now then, where's that Blaney geezer. Now, do you understand why
    I generally prefer leather to wearing a suit on a bike?
    doesnotcompute, Sep 9, 2004
  14. Lady Nina wrote:

    Me, personally, I'd leather up, even in this weather, for 50 miles. Or
    at least Jeans and leather jacket.

    For maybe a couple of miles to the pub/shop/mates house, out of rush
    hours, then I'd Tshirt and Shorts it, with a pair of gloves.

    Blaney will be along shortly to tell you/me that leather doesn't
    actually help prevent gravel rash, you/I only think it does.
    doesnotcompute, Sep 9, 2004
  15. Cab

    Abso Guest

    Perhaps, not being acquainted with the physics of wheelies, she reached
    the hasty and inaccurate conclusion that the bike was going over
    backwards and elected to take the eject option.

    Bad call.
    Abso, Sep 9, 2004
  16. Cab

    Lady Nina Guest

    I did.
    Went for full kit. Sulking because *every* twisty I went down has
    sprouted road works, over banding, new speed limits, new roundabouts
    and the final fucking irony on one of my favourite bits, which I know
    is free of all the above, came round the first twisties, starting to
    open it up for the long straight before the next bit and there's a
    police van bimbling along. <growl>

    60 feels hot in full leathers. Now I'm necking water to try and stave
    off the dehydration headache that's hovering.
    I think I would have compensated in less but wouldn't have enjoyed it
    as much.
    Indeed. Oh well I can go out again in a bit I suppose. Though I need
    to watch Brainiac so I know what evil ideas the kids are picking up.
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  17. Cab

    Lady Nina Guest

    More kit buying is definitely going to happen. But given a choice of
    kit or a SOB...
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  18. Cab

    sweller Guest

    I crashed in cords (I've mentioned this before); open face and a
    Belstaff. No morphine for me.

    In LN's case I'd go the halfway house, not full leathers but jeans and a
    jacket - should be fine.
    sweller, Sep 9, 2004
  19. Lady Nina wrote
    Well. Given a lifetime researching this particular I would suggest the
    answer is: It depends which shop you walk into first.

    Two sets of gear is A Good Thing. One for winter one for summer.
    steve auvache, Sep 9, 2004
  20. Lady Nina wrote:
    [snip to leather up or not]

    <fx: rummage, furtle, rummage>

    Aha! Here we are... I knew it would be around here somewhere.

    Says it all really.....

    With the scars to prove that surfing tarmac in normal 501 jeans is (OK,
    OK, _can_ be) a Very Bad Thing.
    Middleaged Mutant Ninja Rider, Sep 9, 2004
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