How To Buy Ventura Rack Without the Bag

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by NickZX6R, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. NickZX6R

    NickZX6R Guest

    Most of you are probably aware of the ridiculous situation
    with Ventura forcing people to buy a rack and bag kit instead
    of just the rack.

    Well today I ordered a set of L brackets and a sports rack
    (the short one) without having to provide half a tag from
    a Ventura bag after Kenma (the Aus distributor) said it
    wasn't necessary when buying the sports rack.

    Suits me because I want it to put a top box on, which
    I already have so I didn't want to buy a bag.

    This means that if you want to buy a rack and L brackets
    but no bag, you can because the only time they demand a tag
    to prove ownership of a bag is when you want to buy L brackets
    and the full size rack. Even if you want the full the full size
    rack without the bag, you can...

    Buy L brackets & sports rack $180
    Buy full size rack separately (if necessary) $65
    TOTAL $245

    That's still $100 less than the cheapest Ventura rack and bag kit
    and you could sell the sports rack if you don't really want it.

    Seems that Ventura/Kenma haven't really thought this through very well.

    NickZX6R, Sep 23, 2003
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  2. NickZX6R

    KiwiRider Guest

    Hmm thats strange, never heard of Ventura doing that.
    Here in N Zud I got a ventura rack without a bag... all accessoies sold
    Sure its not just a ploy by the shop selling the rack??

    CBR250rr ==> TL1000R ( i know i know ive heard it all before)
    KiwiRider, Sep 23, 2003
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  3. NickZX6R

    conehead Guest

    Nice of you to spell it out for them! :)

    "Your credibilty along with all the other people arguing in this thread has
    been totally distroyed... I am copying this thread and will send it... but
    I'll send it not to the parents, but to a couple of magazines I know..."
    kiwipete in a hissy-fit
    conehead, Sep 23, 2003
  4. NickZX6R

    Boyd Wilding Guest

    Since when has this been the case?

    I've bought 2 ventura racks, in 2001 and 2002, and never been forced
    into buying a bag for it...I just ordered the rack and walked away with
    it. (after paying for it, of course).
    Boyd Wilding, Sep 23, 2003
  5. NickZX6R

    Justin Guest

    Yes, it is stupid.
    What they have also done is to reduce the price of the bags, and inrease the
    price of the racks.
    Sucks bigtime.
    Justin, Sep 23, 2003
  6. NickZX6R

    Smee Guest

    It came in this year or late last year but there is definitely a policy
    change at ventura.
    Smee, Sep 23, 2003
  7. NickZX6R

    Greg Byrnes Guest

    They have thought it through.
    You cannot buy the Full Size rack (pack frame) without a bag OR a piece cut
    off the label to prove you already have a Ventura bag.
    Not in your case but before everyone tries this you might end up paying for
    a sports rack that you did not want.

    Greg Byrnes, Sep 23, 2003
  8. NickZX6R

    paulh Guest

    Well you should make a killing when you make and sell similar racks
    for only $100...that'll be a whole $95 profit per rack.

    go on....

    i'm sure its as easy as you say..

    paulh, Sep 23, 2003
  9. NickZX6R

    MadBiker Guest

    nar its actually pretty cheep when you break it down $5 material product,
    $25 marketing fee, $25 factory profit, $25 shop profit, $10 transport and
    $115 in tax/insurance

    I believe it was brought in because some instances when you say strap some
    Asian bag that holds a dozen elephants made for a 50cc scooter and when that
    rack breaks in half, generally rack co gets sued, so to beat there insurance
    it was a case of you want to use our racks, you use our bags..

    ah well, im sure a bloke with a welder can make up a rack.. prolly be
    stronger too

    MadBiker - see im nuts
    MadBiker, Sep 23, 2003
  10. NickZX6R

    Boxer Guest

    That is exactly their point, I use a Ventura system on the R1100S and only
    pack the bag with lightweight items, sleeping bag, etc, packing the heavier
    items in the tankbag and panniers. I try to keep the load as evenly balanced
    as possible.

    Boxer, Sep 24, 2003
  11. NickZX6R

    NickZX6R Guest

    I disagree, for 2 reasons. Even if you own a bag and want to buy a rack,
    you can only do it twice before you run out of tags and you're screwed.

    Secondly, if you want the full rack but no bag, you can stillbuy the sports
    rack first, then the full rack and even though you end up with an unwanted
    sports rack (which can be sold), you're still at least $100 better off.
    NickZX6R, Sep 24, 2003
  12. NickZX6R

    Stuart Thyer Guest

    Ummm, not entirely sure because it was done by the previous owner who is a
    boilermaker by trade. Visually it's still the same but apparently he put
    solid bar inside the tubing around where the rack and vertical back meet.
    I'm not sure how far up it goes, actually he's probably put solid rod into
    the bottom rack where it goes vertical and then slid the vertical part over
    the solid bar and welded. There probably isn't any bracing in the bottom
    part of the rack

    You can't take the vertical part off any more.

    Stuart Thyer, Sep 24, 2003
  13. NickZX6R

    glitch1 Guest

    Never had a problem with the Venturas, any of them over the last hmmmm, 15
    Had them for 4 years on 2 Pegasos, packed and stacked with camping gear for
    1-3 weeks each, dirt roads, no worries.
    Then again, I usually run 2 bags back-to-back then, off-setting the weight a
    bit, I guess...

    glitch1, Sep 24, 2003
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