How quaint

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Just spent the last couple of hour setting up my laptop/ipaq and
    mobile dial up connection via bluetooth.

    All very nice but only worked at 9.6k. Which is a tad slow.

    To get it working a HSCSD connection at 28.8k[1] (still slow but the
    best there is) you have to manually enter AT commands into the modem

    You'd think you could just pick a menu option of the speed you want,
    but no, that would be far to easy.

    So I've mostly been having flashbacks to 1993.

    [1] Yes, I could use GPRS but Blueyonder won't let me send via their
    mail server when I'm connected through a different ISP, which Orange
    GRPS is. For web + mail I need to use HSCSD, for just web I can use
    Ben, Apr 1, 2004
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  2. Ben

    SteveH Guest

    Erm, you do know that the answer to this is to use the Orange SMTP
    server for outgoing mail, don't you? - that's what I do when I connect
    to T-Mobile GPRS.
    SteveH, Apr 1, 2004
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  3. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I could. But that would mean changing my email settings and I can't
    be arsed.

    For mail and news HSCSD is fine. For web browsing GPRS is better, so
    I just use the appropriate connection.

    For my use (once in a blue moon), HSCSD is cheaper as well. 10p a min
    for 14.4k (or out of my inclusive minutes if I haven't used them all)
    or 25p a min for 28.8k. If I use GPRS without buying a bundle it's 4
    quid a MB and they charge you 4 quid even if you only use 10k.
    Ben, Apr 1, 2004
  4. Don't know if it helps but when I set my iPaq up with my mobile I
    downloaded a thing called EasyConfig from here

    It's $3 so almost free and it takes all the hassle out of getting
    connections working.



    news 'at' melbourne 'dot' me 'dot' uk
    Pete Melbourne, Apr 2, 2004
  5. Ben

    Ben Guest

    They don't appear to have it for the iPaq anymore only a bunch of
    Ben, Apr 2, 2004
  6. All the versions work on any pocket PC, you get the correct version
    for your phone, or a near match, and hey presto your iPaq can talk
    with your phone


    news 'at' melbourne 'dot' me 'dot' uk
    Pete Melbourne, Apr 2, 2004
  7. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Now there is me being a fuckwit. I assumed those where smart phones.
    Ben, Apr 2, 2004
  8. "orange give you an e mail address use that but set up your own address so
    that it shows in the from box
    that's how mine is set up and it works fine
    steve robinson, Apr 2, 2004
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