My missus has lived in this country for 36 years and was granted "Indefinite Leave To Remain in the UK (Permanent Residence)" long before Bert Weedon became a member of the EU (EEA), been married to me - a Brit - for the majority of that time and has been working, complete with National Insurance number for a number of different companies during this time. She's never been asked the following question before. She's worked for the last one for about 4 years and today she was asked ........ "Have you got a work permit and a visa?" We don't know whether to laugh or laugh louder. She qualifies for being here and working without a work permit on three separate points. The letter we got from the British Consul giving her indefinite leave to remain, her being wed to a Brit and the fairly simple expedient of being in the fucking EU. How do the people who asked her this question ever stay in a fucking job?