I wiped a bit of the road grime off the bike and then rode around today, fueling up, picking up parts for Joe and groceries for home, then stopping by and dropping off a friend's house keys (I took care of her pups while she was out of town). It's t-shirt weather! Yeah, I know... I ride all the time but today I didn't have to wear heavy winter gear. It was 80 degrees outside. I did get slightly damp, when I rode through water flowing across the road from a broken main. Luckily no cars were ahead of, or in front of me. I did notice however, that my rear tire felt a tad squirrelly when I rode onto dry pavement and goosed it a bit. Gee, I hope that was a main and not a different type of water line! Looks like the toy run tomorrow will enjoy the same nice weather. Hopefully this good weather will last a while. Y'all have a great weekend. Ride safe. -- Sunny Williams sunny will at tx vets period org IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3 http://www.txvets.org/ "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." ~Teddy Roosevelt
Thanks for sharing. Apparantly, it was merely H20, chuckle. Yes it =was= a warm Thanksgiving Day, too warm for me. I like to have a fire going on Thanksgiving, while We're sitting around eating chocalate pie and watching the Cowboys. Our toy run is around Dec 9th. B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 03Valk-&-98 Magna Have a Dandy Day--