How much

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CampinGazz, May 24, 2004.

  1. CampinGazz

    CampinGazz Guest

    Just been to my local rider training centre.. Alpha riding something or
    other in Grantham, lincs,

    bit of a bummer to find out that i've just missed out on a DT 125 for £400,
    was a bit tatty, but just what i wanted, if i was a day or 2 earlier etc

    Asked about prices to get me test and all that, they would only give me a
    rough price, all depends on how i do on the free hour assesement session on
    saturday.. guess that's ok i guess, me GF is having one too, just to keep
    her quiet, i personaly don't think it's a good idea to have a 7 stone rider
    with a 14 stone pillion my self, but what do i know.

    Anyroad, they rekon the usual is a 3 day course, CBT the first day and a
    little bit of training, then 2 days worth of training, then the test, theory
    test and all that crap,

    For that they want £350, more than i expected, but then again, i wasn't
    planning to do one of these courses, but adding up the individual parts up,
    i guess it sounds ok?? or does it?

    CBT.. about 60 to 70 quid if i used me own bike (which i havent got yet) 90
    quid i guess using theirs,
    the test it's self is £45 i believe, theory test £ bod knows, then i'd need
    at least a few hours training before a test,

    The £350 price was with their bike being used, idealy i'd want to use me
    own, but then again, if i were to do this test, we could go for a bigger
    bike, say a 250 trialie style, would they be any cheaper? any easier to get
    hold of in the cheaper end of the market, thinking the 125 trialies are like
    hens teath at the moment, all the 17 year olds wanting them, where as a 250
    would be slightly less sought after?? or am i thinking out of me arse again?
    CampinGazz, May 24, 2004
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  2. CampinGazz

    David Thomas Guest

    Mine was £640 inc bike hire, so your price sounds ok

    David Thomas, May 24, 2004
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  3. CampinGazz

    wessie Guest

    CampinGazz wrote in
    (much snippage)

    The £350 price sounds good. If they say you should pass the test on a 3
    day course then ask if additional tutoring is free if you fail. This is
    the deal I had and I needed it.

    You will very quickly get bored with a 125 so don't bother buying one.
    Hire the school's bike and buy something bigger once you have passed the
    test. (Unless you do DAS you will be restricted to 33bhp).
    wessie, May 24, 2004
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