How many ... ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tim, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Q. How many Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to serve tea and biscuits.

    Q. How many Pentecostals does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to bind the powers of

    Q. How many Anglicans does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to argue that they prefer
    an old one.

    Q. How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to hold a deacons meeting
    to see if it making them ecumenical.

    Q. How many Roman Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. None. They use candles.

    Q. How many charismatics does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. As many as you like because they'll all have their hands in the air.

    Q. How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb, one to carry the bible and eight
    to act as elders for the event.

    Q. How many Brethren does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Change???

    Q. How many American TV Evangelists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to explain where to send
    the cheques.

    Q. How many Free Church of England members does it take to change a
    light bulb?
    A. Ten all holding hands in case their Apostolic line is broken.

    Q. How many FIEC members does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One holding the bible while nine give out tracts and edited
    sermons of Martyn Lloyd Jones.

    Q. How many Anglo Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb, two to carry candles, one to swing
    the smoke and six to check which saints day it happened to be when the
    old one went out.

    Q. How many Hyper Calvinists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. Ten. One to change the light bulb and nine to expound on the fact
    that both the old one and the new one were predestined to be changed at
    that time.
    Tim, Apr 23, 2005
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  2. Tim

    Ben Guest

    Similar but more sad...

    Q. How many software engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
    A. None. It's a hardware problem.
    Ben, Apr 23, 2005
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  3. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Quite right too.
    Tim, Apr 23, 2005
  4. Tim

    Lady Nina Guest

    Well there's something I didn't expect to see on UKRM- a joke I can
    print out and send to my mother.
    Lady Nina, Apr 23, 2005
  5. Tim

    AndyW Guest

    Irish Catholic version:
    How many Protestants does it take to change a light bulb?

    None, they live in perpetual darkness
    AndyW, Apr 23, 2005
  6. Tim

    Hooligan Guest

    Having Methodists in the family, the version of this I knew was:
    Q How many Methodists does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A: Change?!?!

    John (jsp)

    SV 650
    Black it is
    And Naked
    Hooligan, Apr 23, 2005
  7. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Tim, Apr 23, 2005
  8. Colonel Tupperware, Apr 23, 2005
  9. Tim

    muddycat Guest

    They think the light bulb is on a different planet.
    muddycat, Apr 23, 2005
  10. Tim

    Owen Guest

    So what have you got against the Mormons?
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Apr 23, 2005
  11. Tim

    Ace Guest

    If you wait long enough you may finally get one that's actually funny
    as well...

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Apr 23, 2005
  12. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Paging Marc D., sounds like the "lady" that got you has been out
    targeting other beemers.
    Tim, Apr 24, 2005
  13. Tim

    Marc D Guest

    Odd, I thought the same thing. Wasn't a VW polo by any chance was it?

    If it's anything like my incident, she'll be charged (the coppers were
    very happy that she'd even admitted liability at the scene, and had
    a crop of witnesses as well), but CPS will drop all charges possibly
    because "it's only a motorcyclist".

    (I don't have to be paranoid, the fuckers really are out to get me)
    Marc D, Apr 24, 2005
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