How long?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Darren Robinson, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. How long should it take to get some sort of payout for a written-off
    bike, where liability is not in dispute? I know the injury
    compensation could take some time, but I was under the impression that
    getting something for the old Bandit would be much quicker. RSS were
    recommended to me as the best; I haven't seen much to support this so
    far. Maybe I'm just too impatient?
    Darren Robinson, Nov 17, 2003
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  2. Darren Robinson

    Yoda Of Borg Guest

    mine took about 4 to 6months for the bike payout, there wern't any liability
    issue's either
    Accident march 1996 going to court for compo on 8,9,10,11 December this year
    but it really depends on the type of injury and whether the 'Specialists'
    can give a long term diagnosis on the injuries and the affects they will
    have now and in the future,

    Yoda Out
    Yoda Of Borg, Nov 17, 2003
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  3. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest

    Mine took about six weeks - long enough to get the cast off, let the
    cheque clear and go buy a new bike.

    If the other side has admitted liability, RSS should be able to get a
    cheque out of them pretty much instantly for your excess and
    clothing/lid damage. The big cheque should come from you negotiating
    with the insurer's assessor. IME.

    Having said that, once they had admitted liability (two or three
    weeks) then I had the cheque from _my_ insurer on the basis that they
    could go and claim it back from the other side.

    Once the other side has paid your excess, tell your insco about that
    specifically and the incident should not therefore materially affect
    your no-claims - it will show up as a claim, but "not at fault" so
    your percentage remains as it was before the incident. IME.
    Pip, Nov 17, 2003
  4. Darren Robinson said:
    3 to 4 weeks. That's all it took to get the aggreement for them to
    spend 7k mending the Pan after the French incident.
    Simon Atkinson, Nov 17, 2003
  5. Well, nearly twelve weeks later I've got three-tenths of **** all.
    The other bloke's insurers, Eagle Star Zurich, claimed not to have had
    the assessor's report for some 6 weeks after he'd been to see it, and
    the assessor rang me immediately after he'd seen the bike so I know it
    was done. Wish I'd kept his number, now. The solicitor at RSS who I
    last spoke to two weeks ago, said that the post strike was causing
    delays - fair enough there, I suppose. He also reckoned that, in his
    opinion, ESZ were the worst of all possible insurance companies to
    deal with, as they were (also in his opinion) knee-deep in shit, and
    didn't know it. I didn't like the sound of that. AFAIK there has
    been no negotiation so far.
    Ah, well, I was only TPFT, so that's not an option.
    Cheers; have already contacted CN regarding impending new bike; NCD
    confirmed as unaffected, although it was protected anyway.

    As I said, I went to RSS as they were recommended by others - only one
    person (Petrolcan, IIRC) suggested otherwise. I still have faith, but
    it's fading.
    Darren Robinson, Nov 17, 2003
  6. Darren Robinson

    Pip Guest

    Kick their collective arse. Kick it hard and keep on kicking it until
    you rise to the top of their priority list. They should be able to
    trace the assessor if you really can't remember where he came from -
    if not, blag it out of ESZ.

    Good luck - now start kicking ;-)
    Pip, Nov 17, 2003
  7. In, Yoda Of Borg said:
    Same here, no liability issues and 6 months to get my grubby paws on the
    damage cheque.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 17, 2003
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