Here it is.. After more than a week of dismal and bleary days, the sun is out.. Although it hasn't been raining all that much, the overcast and dreary skies have been threatening for so long, it seems like forever.. The Green One has been covered and parked on the patio for too many days.. The Mexican has almost stopped complaining about that "penche motoclista" using so much space in her "precioso patio".. Whew.. guess she's kinda getting used to it, after all these years.. hmmm.. it's been over nine years, now.. that the Green Vulcan has occupied virtually the same little area.. The time is getting real close for us to take that cover off and head that formidable machine to the south and west of us.. The weather isn't much of a determining factor, although it just might be hit and miss until we get down into the interior of Mexico a few miles.. Fingers crossed and all the other precautionary measures taken to ensure that we'll be travelling in acceptable weather conditions have been assumed.. Reports from the areas where we'll be travelling have been promising.. Today should be a good one to ramble around on the Green One, and next week promises to be even better.. Temps are forecasted to be up near eighty degrees .. All you guys/gals that are tied down to those pesky but necessary jobs that provide for your families, have my condolences .. Being amongst the "retired" generation, I don't have those restrictions on my motorcycle riding times.. Hell.. I can pick and choose the times that I just take off and do my biking thingy.. LOL.. Ain't that a hoot.. hmmm.. Too bad that I don't have the financial wherewithall to indulge as much as I'd like.. <chuckle> Good riding conditions today.. Get after it.. Regards Bill Walker Irving