Horror Story in Mexico

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    1988.. I was working in California and spending weekends and such in Baja..
    In Rosarita Beach, I frequented a small motel.. Baja Del Sol.. Twnety six
    rooms.. clean.. quiet .. on the beach and very popular for it's excellent
    restaurant and bar.. There was even a drugstore which fronted the motel just
    off the highway.. Access to the beach was convenient with a beautiful patio
    and pool area..

    The manager of this quaint little motel usually screened the guest
    carefully... occasionally, him or his wife would make a mistake and were
    quick to correct it..

    I'd checked in that day about noon, spent a pleasant afternoon visiting with
    other guests in the restaurant.. most of them were regulars and we were
    acquainted ..

    About ten in the evening, all hell broke loose in that quiet little motel..
    The uproar coming from one of those rooms sounded like world war three was
    taking place..

    The manager ran past the open door of my room, headed in the direction of
    the disturbance.. I hurriedly followed .. When I got there, he was being
    confronted by a couple of those rowdy guests, and explaining to them that
    they'd be refunded their money, but they'd be expected to check out.. About
    the time I got there, he pushed the door open and lo and behold, there were
    at least seven people in that room.. Ranging in ages from seventeen to
    twenty eight.. established later by the Rosarita Beach Police officers..
    Those guys had demolished a motel room.. Half gallon jugs of rum were
    scattered all over the room.. Mattresses, pillows and bedclothes were all
    over the floor and the stench coming from that room was horrible..

    The room had been rented to two of those guys and the rest had rented other
    rooms across the street in another motel.. When we'd gained entry into that
    room, towels were in the commode and it was overrunning on the floor..

    That manager immediately withdrew his offer to refund money and ordered the
    whole bunch off his property.. When they refused to leave, the police were
    called .. The confrontation escalated from that point, and the police
    physically took them outside.. Even to this point, the police advised the
    owner to just evict them and let them get the hell away from there..

    Somehow, during the loading of their few belongings, the stash of drugs were
    discovered in their car.. From that point, things really took off, in a
    hurry.. Those guys were under arrest in no uncertain terms.. The damned
    fools then decided they'd just have it out with those Mexican police
    officers.. Bad move, boys.. those policemen didn't play any games with them
    and worked them over real good..

    That was quite a show for the regulars who'd enjoyed so many nice weekends
    in that little motel.. When I returned a couple of weeks later, I learned
    those guys were still in jail and might spend months, if not years in the
    Rosarita Beach facility ..

    Yup.. you might know it.. parents and friends were all over the map,
    complaining about police brutality and the justice system in Mexido.. Some
    of them even managed to tell their horror story about all of that, on the
    local TV stations in San Diego.. The newspapers editorialized for weeks
    about the youngsters from their area being mistreated in places like
    Rosarita Beach and Tijuana..
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    I read this, but have no comment.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    That's the smartest thing you've said in months.
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ''I read this, but have no comment.

    That's the smartest thing you've said in months. _wakko_

    That, was, pretty smart.
    Now, If we could only get Bill and Brian to post something smart, for a
    day or two.
    I enjoy reading your smart stuff, keep it up wakko (who isnt from waco,
    after all.)
    (group hug)
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
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