honda xl 125 varadero - take off accelleration improvement options

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by kw1976, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. kw1976

    kw1976 Guest


    What options do I have for about £500 to improve my take off
    accelleartion at lights - which is causing a few problems in london at
    the moment. Please also specify whether the option involves an
    increase in power which would break my CBT limit (not hard) - but note
    I am doing my das now so these options are still very much welcomed.


    kw1976, Nov 25, 2003
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  2. kw1976

    Cane Guest

    How much do you weigh Karl?
    Cane, Nov 25, 2003
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  3. Put it towards a new bike.

    Mr. Fantastic, Nov 25, 2003
  4. kw1976 wrote
    500 is about a years membership at a gym. This option will not affect
    your CBT limit in any way whatsoever.
    steve auvache, Nov 25, 2003
  5. kw1976

    Sean at work Guest

    1. Lose weight if you are lardy. Cheapest way of improving the power/weight
    ratio of any bike/rider combi.

    2. Smaller front sprocket and larger rear. One tooth down at the front, two
    up at the rear.

    3.Save a bit more and buy a bigger bike.
    Sean at work, Nov 25, 2003
  6. kw1976

    Jon Harris Guest

    You could alter the gearing, but it would make it even more thrashy on the
    open road. Tuning isn't really on and would likely as not only net you any
    gains at the top end, the opposite of what you need.

    You need more cubes! Put it towards a bigger bike, 500cc i reckon, then
    taken your pick. 500s will be a damn site easier on bits and servicing too,
    which is nice.


    Jon H.
    Jon Harris, Nov 25, 2003
  7. kw1976

    Verdigris Guest

    Get a different bike.

    Yours is a particularly heavy 125, with no more power than any other.
    You've got next to no possibility of engine tuning. You _might_ try a
    different sprocket, but frankly I wouldn't bother. Practice may help as

    Otherwise, sell it and get something lighter, or pass your test and get
    something faster.
    Verdigris, Nov 25, 2003
  8. kw1976

    kw1976 Guest

    Please be gentle if this is a silly idea , but :

    Today, I left my choke out after a cold start. The bike had a higher
    idle speed but seemed excellent at the lights. Is this a possible
    solution - I know it will be less economical - but consumption I guess
    would still be good on this current 60mpg bike.

    Would this have any other negative affects ?


    kw1976, Nov 27, 2003
  9. kw1976

    Big Tim Guest

    Once the engine has warmed up it wont (shouldn't?) start with the
    choke out. So you will have starting problems as well as wasting
    petrol and having the extra petrol wash the engine bores free of that
    useful oil stuff.

    If you think of what you've described and try and apply that
    information to your original problem you will come to the conclusion
    that the faster the engine is turning, the quicker your acceleration
    away from the lights is.

    Reasonable conclusion?

    If so, try revving the tits of your bike when taking off from the

    I've just googled and I see from an earlier post that you've had your
    bike for about 3-4 months. It could be that you haven't yet got to
    the stage of being aggressive enough when moving off from the lights.
    If you're coming from a car background then you may be being
    mechanically sympathetic to your bike engine. Don't be, bikes rev much
    higher than cars and little bikes need to be revved to get anywhere.
    Big Tim, Nov 27, 2003
  10. kw1976

    Timo @ work Guest

    Apart from the additional fuel washing the oil off the cylinder walls,
    no. Just rebore and rebuild the engine every x miles and you'll be
    Timo @ work, Nov 27, 2003
  11. kw1976

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Listen to Timo, Karl, he's the authority on keeping bikes running
    sweetly round here.
    Salad Dodger, Nov 27, 2003
  12. kw1976

    deadmail Guest


    You're a very naughty man.
    deadmail, Nov 27, 2003
  13. kw1976

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Salad Dodger was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    Says the man with the H1. Or have you finally chucked it into the
    Timo Geusch, Nov 27, 2003
  14. kw1976

    Salad Dodger Guest

    It started today, I'll have you know. It didn't run for long, but it
    did start, and I didn't have to fiddle with anything first. As for
    those bloody Hondas, oto. Grrr.
    Salad Dodger, Nov 27, 2003
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