Honda RFVC Cam and Head problems

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ACH, May 18, 2005.

  1. ACH

    ACH Guest

    Honda RFVC Cam and Head problems.

    I heard alot of problems with the CAM's and HEAD's of Honda RFVC engines
    (sounds alot like problems Honda had with the early V4 engines 83 to

    What is the difference between a RFVC and standard Honda engine?

    I heard honda went back to the standard design after years of problems
    with the RFVC engines?

    What years and engines sizes were RFVC (250, 350, 500 and 600)?

    What should someone look for when buying a used RFVC engine?

    Can anything be done to help the problems with the CAM's and HEAD's of
    Honda RFVC engines?

    Anyother problems besides Cam and Head problems?

    What about the RFVC engine used in the 1987 Honda CBX 250
    (does it have the same problems as the XLs)?
    ACH, May 18, 2005
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  2. ACH

    teenager Guest

    teenager, May 18, 2005
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