honda copies harley

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Aug 17, 2005.


    everybody knows they do it to sell into that market segment.
    so does kawasaki, suzuki and yamaha and the similarities are greater
    today than ever.

    honda also makes lots of other bikes that are truly honda and not copies
    of anything.
    another viewer, Aug 17, 2005
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  2. another viewer

    Andrew Guest

    Kawi and Suzuki shared a cruiser platform for the past few years.
    They recently announced they are ending their partnership.
    Andrew, Aug 17, 2005
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  3. another viewer

    Vic Guest

    Thanks for your post 'another viewer', but you're too late , lol. We've
    all been convinced in another thread, that we'd have to be really stupid, or
    a complete idiot, to believe any of the 'metric bike manufactures' were
    trying to copy H/D. Especially the Shadow. We have it on 'good authority'
    that any resemblence, between a metric crusier, and a H/D is purely
    coincidental, lol.. Now please, stop teasing us, ok?

    Best regards,

    Vic, Aug 18, 2005
  4. oh, sorry. I was confused with the Spaghtorpe.
    another viewer, Aug 18, 2005
  5. another viewer

    Wakko Guest

    There's a significant amount of truth in that.

    Not much innovation in any HD. Perhaps that will change one day.

    But it's not shit. It's tried and true motorcycling, and an adventure every
    time with Harley Davidson. look good doing it.
    Wakko, Aug 18, 2005
  6. another viewer

    Ruppster Guest

    I thought it was because they got tired of all the wise cracks about
    how Harleys leak oil to mark their territory. <g>

    Ruppster, Aug 18, 2005
  7. another viewer

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘everybody knows they do it to sell into that market
    segment. so does kawasaki, suzuki and yamaha and the similarities are
    greater today than ever.
    honda also makes lots of other bikes that are truly honda and not copies
    of anything.
    (another viewers viewpoint)

    "If you are civil to the voluble, they will abuse your
    patience; if brusque, your character." - Jonathon Swift
          Thanks for your post 'another viewer', but you're too
    late , lol. We've all been convinced in another thread, that we'd have
    to be really stupid, or a complete idiot, to believe any of the 'metric
    bike manufactures' were trying to copy H/D. Especially the Shadow. We
    have it on 'good authority' that any resemblence, between a metric
    cruiser, and a H/D is purely coincidental, lol.. Now please, stop
    teasing us, ok?
          Best regards,

    ‘‘I certainly think all sides of the topic, comparison of
    Hardleys to Honders, or Honders to Hardleys, (depends upon ones
    technical knowledge), were discussed and settled, on the other
    ‘‘I know I learned a lot. I went out in the shop, and really
    looked at my 03 Shadow, and said' to myself'' Self, you just thought
    your scooter, resembled a Harley’’ I did. But ruppster just a
    while ago, pointed out a vital point of view! And:
    That is, the famous HD OIl leak. (of course, they don't since they're
    actually a real HDcompany BUT: still, Honda forgot about
    that, and that would have been the last authentic piece of work, and
    boy, they'd had an exact
    copy, reckon!’’ No?, I know it.
    (regards, bJay)
    BJayKana, Aug 18, 2005
  8. another viewer

    rbrtm01 Guest

    Just remember the one time Honda struck out on their own and designed a
    bike.. The Rune was just flat butt ugly..
    rbrtm01, Aug 19, 2005
  9. and the 1973/4 750K Four was a classic that changed motorcycling forever.

    hey, nobody bats 1.000.
    another viewer, Aug 19, 2005
  10. another viewer

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘I thought it was because they got tired of all the wise
    cracks about how Harleys leak oil to mark their territory. <g>

    ‘‘  Just remember the one time Honda struck out on their
    own and designed a bike.. The Rune was just flat butt ugly.''

    ‘‘that's a case where I'd buy a Harley, instead of spending
    $24,000 on that odd looking Honda MC’’ I have only noticed one in my
    area, only one nut rides one around here! BJAY
    BJayKana, Aug 19, 2005
  11. i think the current incarnation of a UJM in Honda is the Nighthawk.
    another viewer, Aug 19, 2005
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