Home built PVR

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I've asked this before but I'm actually going to get my act together and
    build a PVR.

    However, hardware is not my bag so any recommendations? I want it to:

    be Windows based,
    expandable in terms of memory and HDD - I was looking at this case
    http://www.ebuyer.com/product/148792 it seems to have room.
    capable of playing Blu-Ray and recording DVDs - I've seen suitable drives
    but this would Blu ray affect processor etc?
    recording two digital channels simultaneously (two cards or are there
    dual tuners?)
    and accept a recordable input from my cable box.


    I'm rubbish - which motherboard, processor, memory (lots), quiet cooling,
    quiet power, quiet HDD? Budget less than £450.

    I'm also lazy - is there a website pointing to a list of "buy these
    components because they work together and screw it together yourself"?

    The key requirements of FOAD HDD, two digital channels PVR, Blu ray and
    record to DVD don't seem to exist in an off the shelf package.
    sweller, Jun 5, 2010
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  2. sweller

    Colin Irvine Guest

    You could always do it in separate boxes - easier to upgrade in due
    course. This lot together is within your budget.

    Colin Irvine, Jun 5, 2010
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  3. sweller

    WillF Guest

    This doesn't fit this criteria, but I would recommend googling mythtv
    - mythbuntu in fact. I recently built a mythbuntu box and it's lovely
    (based on ubuntu, a flavour of linux, but it's just an iso you burn to
    a disk, not that much you have to do).

    Otherwise hardware priorities for me would be - quiet, plenty of disk
    space, reasonable processor, and good graphics card (with hdmi, etc).


    WillF, Jun 5, 2010
  4. sweller

    Champ Guest

    1. Read my web page
    2. Ask Brownz
    Champ, Jun 5, 2010
  5. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I already had and very useful it is too. However, it's a bit dated now
    and wanted a list of hardware that's available and would work.

    Just the job - everyone has their specialist subject.
    sweller, Jun 5, 2010
  6. sweller

    petrolcan Guest

    He said webpage, not his CV.
    petrolcan, Jun 5, 2010
  7. sweller

    CT Guest

    I thought Brownz's specialist subject was pies.
    CT, Jun 7, 2010
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