home at last

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Jim S, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. Jim S

    Jim S Guest

    After spending the last 3 the months caught in the headlights of the
    California Surrealestate Market, I can finally spend time moving the "kids"
    from one place to another in their own giant ( by San Francisco standards)
    garage. Like, hmm, maybe this one here, that one there, and this one in the
    on deck circle. Or maybe just take one of them apart, and put it back
    together, but not in the same day, like before.

    The kids used to live in an overpriced, undersized , dark, dirty, and mean
    little garage across from our flat in the Haight. They managed but, they
    longed for the good old days when the could stretch out and dominate
    everything around them. And they could multiply back then, too! Up to 11 at
    one time.

    Well, they got room to grow again. Nice.

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R1
    Jim S, Aug 6, 2005
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  2. Jim S

    Bryan Guest

    You are good parent. Most live on the street, dirty, abused, lost.

    Bryan, Aug 6, 2005
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  3. Jim S

    _Bob_Nixon Guest

    Chuckle, Jim. Where's the cage go?
    Spoken from the burbs, where three car garages are standard equipment.
    Bob Nixon, Chandler AZ
    01 Sprint ST "RED" 50K miles
    _Bob_Nixon, Aug 6, 2005
  4. Congratulations, Jim. I guess some things never change: when my
    parents moved us to the suburbs in the 1950s, all of our neighbors were
    claiming they made the move "for the kids." (My dad's job was actually
    in exurbia, so I didn't have to bear the guilt for that move).
    Rich, Urban Biker, Aug 6, 2005
  5. Jim S

    Dave Slavik Guest



    Familiar looking garage Jim (Have friends that live in the same area)

    I'm happy to have a garage now out on Treasure Island for my bikes, and my
    track car (Yup, it is going non-op and will be track only soon).

    That was my big worry about moving, was finding a place for the bikes and
    the car. Now I have room for four bikes and the tibby in the garage...but I
    leave the car in the driveway, so that means I have space for god knows how
    many bikes in the garage :D
    Dave Slavik, Aug 6, 2005
  6. Jim S

    Phil Scott Guest

    Hi Jim, what is your take on calif real estate as a bubble
    especially comes the next economic cycle or worse, a collapse
    as 50 million baby boomers retire and another 20% of our high
    end engineering and mfg jobs going to china defunding govt.

    I have several customers in the Haight. and on the west end of
    market a 1920's speak easy with the hidden rooms and raid
    alarms (tubes from the basement bar to the front door at
    street level,) The DuNord Cafe. and few others.

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Aug 6, 2005

    Dear Jim: Think how much better off your kids would be if they did not have
    to sleep under asbestos covered ductwork that attaches to an historical
    furnace. And the space savings/gas cost savings of modern equipment is
    enormous, also the ductwork can be ran much tighter or actually into the
    cieling. Give me a holler if you want even more room and better conditions
    for your lil' babies. Great price. Local experience/hvac contractor.
    Alex C.
    '97 YZF1000
    '00 Buell M2
    mentALEXcersize, Aug 6, 2005
  8. It's good to have garage space. Essential to me, in fact. I'm lucky to have
    a rather spacious garage right now.

    Jamin Kortegard
    popular sportbike / popular car

    "Hokey 600s and trackday usability are no match
    for a good literbike at your side, kid."
    - Michael
    Jamin Kortegard, Aug 6, 2005
  9. Jim S

    jim s Guest

    I can still fit my 325i in there and my wife's xtra cool hybrid Escape.
    But I usually put the 325 around the 'hood somewhere, where we actually have
    alot of street parking ( neener neener, Mr Sierchio)
    jim s, Aug 11, 2005
  10. Jim S

    jim s Guest

    Since I only owe 150,000 on the house, I really don't care that much.
    we didn't buy it to make money on, we bought to live in , till we die, or
    move to Colorado to fish ourselves to death.

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R1
    jim s, Aug 11, 2005
  11. Jim S

    jim s Guest

    You must've heard about the 3600 rebate we got for upgrading the furnace and
    ducts. Too bad I finished the job last weekend...:(
    My last ten weekends:
    1. Drill holes for earthquake bolts
    2. Install bolts
    3. Re-grout bathroom/shower
    4. Remove heater and air ducts ( I had help from licensed asbestos
    5. Install forced air heater, and tie down water heater
    6. Install ducts
    7. install more ducts\
    8. reglaze front windows
    9. reglaze and repair side windows
    10. Install new kitchen door and rebuild frame. ( ugh!)
    11. This weekend? paint lower extra rooms ( 2)

    and on and on and on
    and on.
    But I like it,honest I do.

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R1
    jim s, Aug 11, 2005
  12. NO! Californians should stay PUT! We got enough of them around here
    cluttering up the joint as it is!
    Troy the Troll, Aug 11, 2005
  13. Jim S

    notbob Guest

    Sounds like something an expat Californian would say. ;)

    notbob, Aug 12, 2005
  14. Texan. I don't want them up here either.
    Troy the Troll, Aug 12, 2005
  15. Jim S

    notbob Guest

    Yeah, it's what every immigrant says after THEY make it.

    notbob, Aug 12, 2005
  16. Jim S

    Jim S Guest

    Are you working in SF?
    Last I heard you were doing a "Jim Summer" , riding around the continent in
    search of twisted roads and frisky trout.....\
    I have found that full employment has cut into my "life of reilly"
    lifestyle, that included weekday morning rides to Marin, endless hours in
    Montana trout streams and looking for work.
    Now I just hope I have enough strength to get out for a morning ride on
    Saturday or Sunday.

    Jim Stinnett
    YZF R1
    Jim S, Aug 14, 2005
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